I had very ambitious plans for Sunday.....polish all four ALCOA wheels, organize the trailer, and put away the turf in preparation for our planned Tuesday departure. First up, while it was still cool, was to polish the the wheels......
Before Mothers.....okay, but a little dull
After Mothers....beautiful!
.....the front steer wheels each took about 5 minutes to polish, and the two deep dish rear dualie drive wheels took between 10 & 15 minutes each......much more surface to polish. I used Tom's pneumatic polishing tool hooked up to his air system as the polishing tool requires 15 cfm (cubic feet per minute) to operate it and my small pancake compressor only puts out 3 cfm.....he got it at Harbor Freight and it looks something like this.....

.......next up was to begin to put stuff away inside the trailer so we could drag the artificial turf inside for our trip over to All Aboard America Tuesday, and ultimately back to SoCal later in the week. By the time I finished, and it was time to insert the turf it was after 4:30 pm (there, of course, was a little resting during that time).
TLE made her famous lasagna for Sunday dinner, and lemon bars for dessert to take into the house for Sunday night dinner in Tom and Darlene's home. Everyone currently residing at the Newell House was there.....Adrian, Karen, Wade, Susan, Tom, Darlene, moi and TLE.
Sunday was the first time in a long time that I pretty much spent all day working at one thing, or another, and I didn't even take a nap until after 7 pm.....I woke up just in time to go to bed!
Thanks for stopping by!
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