7:14 am - Thursday - October 8th - Seal Rock, OR - 54° F, 100% humidity, wind 3 mph out of the south by southwest.....rained all night......still raining. Heavy overcast today with more rain in the forecast, and a high of 60° F. On this date in 2017 my son, Tim, was married to Laila at the Mission Inn Chapel in Riverside, CA....what a beautiful bride, and service......↴
I like Wednesdays and Thursdays because I get to work by myself. Frankly, I like working with Terry, and I have no complaints, but I really like working by myself just as I often did at Ramona Oaks RV Resort (aka: RORVR). It had rained all night Tuesday, and into the early morning hours Wednesday, but by 10 am (my start time) it had been 'dry' for a couple of hours, so I had no rain to contend with as I cleaned (sanitized) 9 sites which were being vacated that day, plus began to clean the 50, or 60 lights around the park which illuminate the entrances to each site at night. The cleaning of the lights involved removing the protective top and removing the lens to clean, and then reinstall. Each light took about 5 minutes to clean. By the time my 2 hour shift was completed I had cleaned 10 lights, and will continue to clean them over the next few days.
TLE, who worked in the office from 9 am to 12 pm, made it home a few minutes before me, and thus another day toiling in paradise was complete. In the afternoon I spent time cleaning my new Dickinson Marine Sea-B-Que in preparation for the grilling of two more 'so tender they melt in your mouth' filet mignons we purchased at Safeway a few days prior. Did I tell you how much I love this new and improved version of the Sea-B-Que?
I spent some time in the trailer puttering around as I am wont to do from time time, which includes making sure our Garmin cyclocomputers and the flashing taillights we run when riding on the highway are charged. Even if we don't use them they do need to have their charge topped off every couple of weeks, when it is colder like it is right now.
Around 5:30 pm TLE served an appetizer dish consisting of a bowl of fish chowder, and a slice of sourdough toast.....that was TLE's first attempt at a chowder, and it was amazing, just as I had anticipated. I lit the Sea-B-Que around 6 pm and by 6:30 pm we had those aforementioned 'so tender they melt in your mouth' filets with a side of spinach for the main course. A perfect ending to another great day lived well on the Oregon Coast.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Dinner sounds so yummy......sounds like everything is operating at just the right rythem 😁😁