7:46 am - Saturday - October 3rd - Seal Rock, OR - 54° F, 100% humidity, wind 3 mph out of the north by northeast......overcast, and a little foggy today with a forecast high of 64° F. On this date in 1949 I was born. I guess that makes me 71....WOW!
Baby Clarke circa 1949
As I sit here 71 years later looking back on my life, and how quickly those 71 trips around the sun have flown by I am struck by the extremely temporal nature of life. When you are young the years seem to move glacially, and then as you near the sunset of your life things seem to speed up to near lightspeed. It does not seem that long ago that I got my first brand new bike for Christmas......
Circa 1957
Circa 1964
....and then I was off to college, and then home for Spring Break......
Circa 1968
Circa 1971
Circa 2015
.....and the family Christmas pictures are getting bigger.....
Now we find ourselves almost 10 years into our full time adventure, trying to slow down the passage of time and cherish each moment remaining in our lives.....no one knows when their number will be up....I certainly don't, but I, along with TLE, have resolved to live each day as if it were my last.....no regrets.......
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Well Happy Birthday! Mine is today also but 2 years older.