Thursday, May 13, 2021

Vagabonders supreme.....

 7:40 am - Thursday - May 13th - Seal Rock, OR - 46° F, 100% humidity, wind - zero mph out of the north.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 58° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE was directing traffic at the south gate of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.......↴

I'm feeling kind of philosophical this morning. I get that way when life seems to take on a sort of sameness day after day.  It can get that way when you sit in one place month after month.  Don't get me wrong, if I have to sit in one place month after month, sitting here on the hill at Seal Rocks RV Cove overlooking the ocean would be my choice nine out of ten times.  It was the perfect, for us, choice at the time based on conditions in the world, and our concern for exposure to the Wuhan virus.

One of the intrinsic values about this nomadic lifestyle we chose 10 years ago is supposed to be new views on a regular basis....regular being the operative world.  Over those 10 years our travel style has changed from year to year, but for most of that time we never stayed anywhere more than 6 months, and that was at South Lake Tahoe in 2016.  For most of that time it was a few days, or a few weeks in any given place, with South Lake Tahoe being the annual exception from 2014-2017.  Then my heart attack in May of 2019 (2 years ago today) changed that, and we decided to remain at Romona Oaks RV Resort for an extended period of time (11 months at the time) to be close to my doctors as I recovered.  As it turned out we were only there for 9 months as we were 'let go' two months early.  That was okay, because we were going to spend the summer traveling in Alaska.  Then the Wuhan flu arrived on our shores changing everything once again.

We did, thankfully, spend the entire summer traveling through many of the rural areas of several western states (Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Idaho, Washington) from May through September.  That entire 4 months stretch we moved a lot with our longest stays being a couple weeks in Keystone, SD, and then Coupeville, WA for three weeks.  If not for that 4 month period, and then the one month of traveling to and from Wittmann, AZ I would be going a little stir crazy by now.

Over the the better portion of the past 10 years I always had the notion that there would be a next year.  Now at 71 years of age following a stroke (December, 2017), a heart attack (May, 2019), and the melanoma scare (July, 2019) I cannot think that way anymore.  I don't know if there will be a next day, next week, next month, or next year for that matter.  I have come face to face with my mortality.  Because of that I get anxious sitting here in Seal Rock, OR month after month, because I don't now if there will be a next year.  I want to get back to the true vagabond supreme lifestyle we adopted back in 2011 (a term Tioga George coined many years ago), and spend whatever time I have left seeing more of what I have not yet seen.  

No, I have no death sentence, in fact I feel as good as I have felt in a couple of years, but you just never know what lays around the corner.  We have this wonderful home on wheels designed for the vagabond life, but we sit in one place month after month in what feels more like a sticks and bricks home as time passes.   

As of Wednesday it had been exactly two months since I turned over the big Detroit Diesel 6v92.....see what I mean?  I needed to hear the reassuring rumble of the the 2 stroke 6v92 to remind me that we do, indeed, live in a home on wheels.  We do still have the ability to change our view without going through escrow, but we choose to be where we are at this time due to circumstances mostly beyond our control.  We are safe, we love our work, and our co-workers.  We love where we are living.

I look forward to what comes after we finish our commitment on September 30th.  Have we made plans....well, no, but we have talked about the where, the what, the when.  I look forward to that time of returning to our vagabonder supreme roots, and seeing as much as we can before the final bell tolls.

Thanks for stopping by!

When you shop Amazon, please use our link (below) to access their website.......we will appreciate every purchase you make using our Amazon Affiliate linkand  remember, using our link will not add one penny to your purchase, plus we will receive a small commission which over the course of a year adds up to enough to by a tank of diesel for which we thank you very much!


  1. Been following your blog for a couple of years and, aside from the health problems you listed above, I'm amazed at your strength and stamina and your work attitude. I'm 74-1/2, primary care-giver to my husband who is completely dependent on me and I marvel at what you do day-to-day after your health problems. Just know that I vicariously "travel" (even when you stay several months in one location) through your blog,and it helps me tremendously to mentally get away when I am housebound. Vivian in North Texas (born in Dallas).

  2. Clarke, that was a thoughtful and thought provoking post and I appreciate reading what you said. As you know I am a few miles farther down the road than you age wise but neither of us knows when we will reach our own personal final exit. All I can say is that I think it is important to keep moving on with life, accepting new challenges and opportunities, pursing what you love and not mentally saying, "That's it with this life, I'm done." Continue to love the people in your life and be kind to strangers. That's all I've got. Hope to see you and TLE in a couple of months.


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