7:15 am - Thursday - February 9th - GNHS - 49° F, humidity 62%, wind 6 mph out of the north.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 75° F. On this date in 2013 TLE and I were courtesy parked in Ft. Meyer, FL, and attending 'Bike Night' in Cape Coral, FL that evening.....yes, that is a cigar being enjoyed by moi........↴
We had an 'all day' KRX rental scheduled Wednesday, so we were out and about by 7:30 am in anticipation of our customer's arrival sometime around 8 am. They did show up at 8 am, and were on their way by 8:30 am. Once that was done I worked on fixing the right rear door latch on RZR #5, the one which was rolled last weekend, and after about an hour had successfully readjusted the latching system, and door hinges so the door would stay latched. The replacement parts for the other damage have been ordered from COYNE, and we should have them sometime next week.
When we have just one all day rental scheduled there is a lot of 'dead time' in between the departure and return, unless there is a rescue call, but there were no rescue calls this day. We have to stay dressed for work, and stay in the immediate vicinity, so what to do for 8 hours? I took a nap, I practiced my putting, took another nap, practiced my putting, ate lunch, watched a few YouTube videos, interacted with potential customers for Thursday for quite a while, took a week's worth of office trash to the dumpster, putted some more, printed down our Social Security 1099's so I can do our taxes, and just, generally, killed time.
Finally 4 pm rolled around, and we could hear the sound of our #9 KRX returning....always a good sound to hear when it is getting close to the return time. The two gentlemen who rented it had smiles upon their faces as they exited the side by side, and raved about what a good time they had, that is until I noticed a large puddle of oil forming under the transmission of the KRX. Uh oh! I called Kyle over, and he examined the skid plate under the engine finding a large indentation where a large object had struck the plate forcing it upward into the transmission case, breaking a bolt, and possibly cracking the casing, which caused the oil to flow out. That is the first mechanical damage one of our KRX's has suffered. Fortunately there was no finger pointing....the guys just accepted responsibility.....what a nice turn of events.....lol! We'll have to put the KRX on a trailer, and take it down to COYNE in El Centro to get the damaged assessed. Hopefully the case is not cracked.
Oil stain below transmission....it was a puddle yesterday
Oil pooling on the skid plate under the transmission
....we have at least one rental Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Super Bowl Sunday, with multiple rentals on Saturday and Sunday, so we will be somewhat busy the next four days. Just after I put away the injured KRX I caught the sun setting to the west once again.....
....thanks for stopping by!
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