Sunday, September 3, 2023

Every dog has his day.....

6:18 am - Sunday - September 3rd - LPG&RVR - 50° F, humidity 92%, wind 1 mph out of the east.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 66° F.  On this date in 2017 long time blog readers Jill and Gary dropped by the Mammoth Hot Springs General Store to meet TLE and I....what a nice surprise on the hottest day of the summer......↴

As forecast it was raining when we awoke, and that was pretty much the story until after 2 pm Saturday.  Needless to say, there were only a few golfers wanting to play in the rain.....just four to be exact...and we do allow that.  I went to work at 7:40 am with TLE, and by 9:40 am I had done all that I could do in the rain, and went home.

Of course, TLE still needs a lunch break, so I returned around 11:55 am to take her place for an hour.  I was still drizzling when TLE returned at 1 pm, so I went home again planning to return at 4 pm, if it was not raining, for the weekly putting contest.  In our two seasons here at LPG&RVR the putting contest has never been rained out, but it has rained during the contest.  Once we begin, we try to finish, and we always have been able to do so.

Around 3 pm I heard a golf cart racing down the employee road, and looked out to see a young girl (not licensed) driving one of our Yamaha carts with an adult male standing on the rear bumper of the cart, and another male in the passenger seat.  Underage folks driving our carts, and adult males standing, unsafely, on the rear bumper are two big NO NO's here, so I put on my shoes, fired up my golf cart and chased them down.  I'm not sure what gets into people sometimes, but people can behave stupidly.  Once I flagged them down I told them to stop letting the young girl drive, and not to stand on the rear bumper, and that their golfing day was over.  The young girl walked back to her parent's RV, and then I followed the two guys back to the cart return area to be sure they did return the cart, and they did.

I was back at the Clubhouse just before 4 pm.  There were 24 golfers signed up for this week's contest, which was single elimination due to the threatening weather.  Double elimination takes about 2 hours, and single takes about and hour and 15 minutes, so with threatening skies the contest began.  Around 5:15 pm I was the last man/woman standing winning the contest for the first time this year.  I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be shut out this  Winning means I have qualified for the 'Tournament of Champions' to be held on September 16, so I barely made the cut.  It was just one of those days where I read every putt almost perfectly, and almost holed out 5 different putts.  At the end of the final round I was tied with my worthy opponent, so it went to a one hole putt off....closest to the hole after one putt.  The putt Mike set up was a 35 foot putt across the green.  I putted first and left my putt pin high about 18" to the left of the hole.  My opponent then putted and went about 5 feet past the hole, so I was the winner....I was kind of stunned, but happy nonetheless.  The contest was halted for about 10 minutes during the middle do to a heavy downpour, but it stopped, and we went back to putting.  As I have said before, every dog has his day, and Saturday was this dog's day.

Thanks for stopping by!

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