Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Nomads forever?

6:21 am - Tuesday - September 19th - LPG&RVR - 48° F, 75% humidity, wind 0 mph out of the east by southeast....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 79° F.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I entered the state of New Hampshire in our Newell for the first time.....↴ 

As I sit composing today's missive I can see the glow on the eastern horizon through the passenger side window in the salon portending the imminent arrival of the sun.  The point where it will show itself on this new day continues to move to the south, and ever lower in the sky, as the earth continues its annual journey around the sun, and the season changes from summer to fall, then winter when it reaches its lowest point in the southern sky.  Time seems to be passing more quickly with each passing season...it does not seem like we have been here almost 6 months now.  We've been on this nomadic journey for almost 12 years (13 living in the Newell), and it is hard to remember ever living in a sticks and bricks abode.  We are different people than when we began this journey.  We have had the privilege of working all over this great country, and meeting people with whom we would never have crossed paths had we never begun this journey.  All of these people have shaped us, and are now apart of the fabric of our life, and we are the richer for it.

I know, intellectually, that our time living this nomadic life is getting more finite with the passing of each day, week, month and year, but in our hearts the future possibilities still seem limitless.  We live mostly in the present, enjoying each other, the people around us, and the geographical location where we happen to be at the time.  We do think more often about "What is next?", but for now we are both content with our lives, in good health, are both still very active, so we will continue to 'rock on' as they say, seeking new adventures, and possibilities for as long as our mortal bodies will allow it, all the while beginning preparations for that time when we will no longer roll the wheels of our Newell Classic toward new horizons.

Monday, about which I am supposed to be reporting, was a typical Monday, and typical first day of our four day work week.  I made several rounds of the golf course, first weeding and raking the four sand traps, then trimming the grass around the edges of the traps with a Stihl string trimmer on another round, then just marshaling near the end of the day.  I dragged the main cart path from holes 9 and 18 to the Clubhouse, did some weeding, staged golf carts, then washed them and stowed them.  I chatted with customers, and friends, and even did a little putting at the end of the day as I awaited TLE's exit from the Clubhouse office a little after 5 pm.  It was a good day, a satisfying day....the kind of day we have relived day after day for the last 6 months.  Soon we will be waking from our nightly slumber in a different location, with a different view, always grateful for each other, and this wonderful nomadic life.

Thanks for stopping by!

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