7:18 am - Thursday - December 9th - Anza Borrego Desert, CA - 57° F, 57% humidity, wind 8 mph out of the west by southwest......cloudy today with a forecast high of 66° F.
Wednesday began quite overcast, but by mid morning it began to clear as forecast, meaning we would get enough solar rays to re-energize our batteries......
Still heavily overcast at 8 am....
Beginning to clear.....
.....we've been pretty much all by ourselves out here, but a couple of days ago a class C pulled into the turnout just down the road.....
.....you will recall that I began the project of installing shutoff valves under the kitchen sink back when we were still at Seal Rock, OR, but I discovered, after I had cut the copper pipe, that it was 3/8", not 1/2", and the 1/2" shutoff valve would not fit. I had to run into town and by a 3/8" coupling to reconnect the pipe ends until I figured out how to solve my problem. Long story shorter......I found 3/8" x 1/2" Sharkbite reducers on Amazon, and ordered them, and had them sent to our friends' home on Whidbey Island. When We arrived in early October they were awaiting me, and within a couple of days I had installed the shutoff valve on the hot water side. I meant to install the cold water side while we were there, but never did. Fast forward to Wednesday, December 8th......I got up Wednesday determined to install the shutoff valve on the cold water side, and by late morning I had successfully installed it.....

.....I had to cut out a 6" piece of the pipe in order to fit in the shutoff valve. Working on any plumbing in an RV is usually done in very tight spaces, and the area under our kitchen sink is no exception. It took me the better part of an hour to make the two cuts, and then the installation of the actual shutoff valve took just 3 minutes.....
....ever since we installed the new kitchen sink faucet we have had an issue with the hose for the sprayer hanging up on the short, wooden wall which separates the under sink area into two halves. I could not solve that problem until I installed the cold water shutoff valve, so once that was done I proceeded with the previously agreed upon solution.....install a 6" x 12" piece of plywood to raise that wall up high enough so the hose would not hang up on it.....
......it didn't take any longer than cutting out the piece of 1/4" plywood to fit the space, and then affixing it to the wall with two wood screws.
The rest of the day was spent reading, and napping. By 4 pm it became apparent we would have a sunset, so I readied our portable fireplace, lit the fire, and settled in with TLE to watch the sun set.....
.....the waxing moon was visible in the southern sky, and has reached 1/4 status.....
.....as the sun moved further west the moon lit up in the darkening sky.....
.....we sat around the fire until almost six pm before freshening winds chased us inside for the night. We watched the current episode of 'Survivor', and were in bed by 9:30 pm.
On the Wuhan flu front it was announced yesterday by Johns Hopkins University that more people have now died of COVID in the 10 months since the vaccine became available, than died in the prior 12 months before anyone was vaccinated. I don't know how that can be, or what the explanation for, or context of that statistic is, but I find it thought provoking, don't you? With the vaccination rate in the U.S. closing in on 60% why has the death rate accelerated significantly, and not reduced significantly? It's an honest question....a question we should all be asking ourselves.
Thanks for stopping by!
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