Friday, December 3, 2021


 7:20 am - Friday - December 3rd - Anza Borrego Desert, CA - 49° F, 19% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the southeast.....partly cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 82° F.....the view this morning.......↴

Sunrise over the Anza Borrego Desert 12/3/2021

.....on this date in 2012 TLE and I had just bought some more Xmas lights from Big Lots in Campbellsville, KY to adorn our Newell patio.....↴

This is before I discovered rope!

After my misadventures on Wednesday we decided to stay away from town so I could lick my wounds.  It was another warmish day Thursday, so what energy I expended was in the morning.  I installed the wheel covers on the driver side of the trailer, and Newell, worked on tightening up the kitchen sink faucet.  When I installed it back in May of this year (has it really been that long?) I, apparently, did not tighten the large nut under the faucet which clamps it firmly in place.  It's all 'blind' work, meaning one cannot see what one is trying to's all done by feel, which is probably why I didn't get it right the first time.  Well, now it's done right, and is firmly held in place.

By the time I finished with that long delayed task I was ready for a nap, and headed out to the 'lido deck' to do just that.  I spent the rest of the day just reading, and napping.  These winter days are really quite short (the daylight portion, that is).  By the time I finish with the blog, have breakfast, and do some chores it's closing in on 10:30 am, which means there are only 6 hours of daylight left in the day.  In the blink of an eye the sun can be seen sliding down the western slopes of the mountains, and it's time to light our sunset fire once again.....


.....and the shadows ever so slowly creep to the top of the mountains on the eastern border of our valley.....

Where I spend the afternoon portion of each day gradually gets darker, and suddenly the solar rope lights pop on......what can I say?  They make me happy.....

....over time the fire slowly burns down to red glowing coals whilst still giving off the needed warmth to stave off the chill as night slowly descends, and ultimately envelopes us..... is a cycle repeated day after day.  It is a cycle I enjoy, and relish in the present, but also dream about when we are is our cherished Anza Borrego interlude.  How many more Anza Borrego interludes will we enjoy....who knows?  For now we are suspended in time.....there is no past, and no future.....just the 'now'.

Thanks for stopping by!

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