Monday, July 8, 2024


5:27 am - Monday - July 8th - LPG&RVR - 57° F, humidity 43%, wind 1 mph out of the east....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 101° F....HOT, HOT, HOT!!!  On this date in Custer, SD having a late lunch at Mt. Rushmore Brewing Company.....

Each year on the 4th of July weekend LPG&RVR hosts the Red, White and Blue Golf Tournament, and Sunday, July 7th was the date of the 2024 edition.  I staged 16 golf carts for the tournament, being held on the hottest day of the summer where the forecast told of a 102° F high.  Needless to say, but I will anyway, not as many people entered the tournament this year as last when the forecast high was only 86° F.  

While the organizers collected tournament fees, and gave out hole assignments for the 'shotgun start' I was out on the course removing goose/duck leavings from the #3 tee boxes (not many for a change), and raking all four sand traps.  I was back at 9 am just as the participants were heading onto the course to begin the tournament.  It was already getting warm.

Upon my return to the Clubhouse I began turning on sprinklers to irrigate, and spent most of the day moving sprinklers from one dry spot to another.  In between I made several rounds of the course as marshal to make sure the rules were being followed.  Only had to ask one foursome to let another play through as they were moving so slowly, otherwise, all the golfers were keeping their carts on the green stuff, and out of the brush.  I was eager to give TLE her lunch break on this day as it was much cooler in the Clubhouse office, and it was nearing 100° F outside.  The hour seemed to pass much too quickly, and soon I was back in the elements moving from shady spot to shady spot.

Aren't I getting skinny?

Around 1:45 pm the golfers began to return their golf carts, and I began to wash them, and then put them away.  By 3 pm I had every single cart parked in the cart shed, and there was nothing left for me to do except turn off the irrigation, and head for the wonderfully cool Newell interior where TLE had left both front and back A/C's running from her lunch break.  When it gets over 100° F, which it has rarely done over the 13 summers we've spent on the road, we need to run both A/C's for a few hours during the heat of the day.  When I get home I usually turn off the front A/C, and it remains comfortable for the balance of the afternoon.

I took my cool shower (not hot on this day), then watched most of Stage 9 from Le Tour de France.  It was not quite finished when I needed to return to the office to retrieve TLE, and flip the sign down by the Night Registration office, but I did finish watching it when I returned.

We ran the rear A/C until 9 pm when the outside temp finally dropped under 80° F....thank goodness it does cool off quickly at night.  As I began to write today's missive the outside temp was at 57° F.....nice.

On a side note, I will be going to work at 6:30 am for the next two days at least, so I will probably defer the writing of my blog post until the afternoon.  I'll be working 8 straight hours, and getting off work at 2:30 pm.

Thanks for stopping by!

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