Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dog days.....

 5:50 am - Tuesday - July 16th - LPG&RVR - 61° F, humidity 24%, wind 1 mph out of the east by southeast.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 91° F.  The view this morning....

Beautiful sunrise

.....on this date in 2020 we were in Harlowton, MT with good friends Claude and Gail Banker in their 1984 36' Bluebird diesel pusher (us on right, and them on left).....

We're officially in the 'dog days' of summer where it is one 90° F day after another as far as the eye might see.  I've decided not to go to work at 6:30 am like I did the last two summers.  Going to work at 7:30 am, and getting off at 3:30 pm seems to work for me this summer.  I feel like I'm acclimating better to the heat than in the past, and maybe that has a little to do with my weight loss.  Who knows, right?  By working to 3:30 pm I end up with fewer carts needing their daily spa treatment each morning.

There were two things which needed to be done Monday....mow and trim the employee sites, which were getting quite 'shaggy' in appearance, and clear the balls from the driving range, but making my first round of the course comes first each day.

Every time I think the geese have moved north they do a number on the #3 tee boxes, and that was the case again Monday.  I think there is a family of geese which has decided to summer at LPG&RVR....lol.  Only two of the four sand traps needed my attention, and I was back at the Clubhouse by 9:30 am......

....upon my return I retrieved our Husqvarna self propelled rotary lawnmower, and a string trimmer, then headed down to the four employee site lawns.  By 11 am I was finished, and putting away that equipment.  Time to clear the driving range.  I knew that not many people had rented golf balls since last Thursday, so it appeared I could clear the range in less than an hour just using the 'Shag Bag', and I was right.  In all I garnered just two 5 gallon buckets of balls to go along with the other 5 gallon bucket I picked out of the forest on Sunday afternoon.  By the time I filled the buckets with water, and Dawn dish soap to let them soak for a few hours it was time to give TLE her lunch break.

It is nice knowing I only have 2.5 hours left in my work day when TLE returns from lunch at 1 pm, and the time always goes quickly. In all we rented just 8 golf carts Monday, and all but one of them had returned by 3:30 pm.  I spent the afternoon making another round of the course, turning on irrigation, moving sprinklers, and cleaning golf carts.  Soon it was 3:30 pm, and time for a long, hot shower followed by some recliner time in the cool confines of the Newell before TLE came home just after 5 pm.

By the way, I'm kind of stuck at 180 pounds right now, and have been for a couple of weeks, but I'm sure I'll break through that barrier soon.  The most important thing is I am keeping off the weight that I've lost.  I'm still eating just one meal per day, and my body seems to have adjusted nicely to that new norm.

Thanks for stopping by!

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