Friday, July 19, 2024

Let the weekend begin!

2:33 pm - Friday - July 19th - LPG&RVR - 91° F, humidity 13%, wind 6 mph out of the northwest......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 94° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I met up with Richard and Rhonda, fellow Newell owners, in West Yellowstone.....

.....we were working at the Mammoth Hot Springs General Store that summer, and made the drive over to West Yellowstone on one of our days off work.

Thursday was the first day of our four day weekend this week, and we had plans to watch The Open (British Open - golf), and then a replay of Stage 18 of Le Tour de France.  All that being said, we began our day, as is our custom on days off work, with a 2 mile out and back walk.... right knee, which has been bothering me lately, kind of slowed us down.....we only averaged 2.8 mph.  However, by the end of the walk the knee was beginning to get loose.  I spent part of the day applying an ice pack, and that also seemed to be helping.

We spent most of the rest of the morning watching The Open on the outdoor TV.  The outside temperature was pleasant until around noon time when we headed indoors for the rest of the day, still watching The Open.

While inside I decided it was time to clean our Fantastic Fan screen, and fan blades.  It's been 5, or 6 months since I cleaned both.  The screen came off easily, and I had the lint brushed off it in 10 minutes, or so.  When I went to remove the fan blades I heard a 'crack', and this is what happened....

....our Fantastic fan turned 10 years old this summer, so I guess it might not be too surprising that something finally broke.....doh!  I was able to glue it back together using Locktite super glue, and it appears to be operating normally after reinstallation, however, just to be on the safe side I have ordered a replacement off Amazon, which should be here within the week.  That was the excitement for the day.

On The Open, about 1/2 of the top 20 golfers in the world did not fare too well over the first 18 holes with such notables as Rory McIlroy finishing the day at 8 over par!  After that we started the replay of Stage 18 of Le Tour, and watched that, in full, until late afternoon.

The high temp of the day, 91° F came and went, and by 8 pm the temp had dropped below 80° F, so we decided to venture outdoors again, and enjoyed the cool evening temperatures until well after 9:30 pm.

Thanks for stopping by!

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