Thursday, July 11, 2024

Day one of the four day weekend......

10:37 am - Thursday - July 11th - LPG&RVR - 83° F, humidity 20%, wind 2 mph out of the south by southwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with an forecast high of 99° F.  On this date in 2014 TLE and I were enjoying taco Friday at Steamers Bar & Grill in South Lake Tahoe, CA..... I write, TLE and I have now reached the half way mark of our summer here at LPG&RVR.  I cannot believe how quickly time is passing this year!

We only walked once during our last 4 day weekend, and that was a week ago, so when we left home around 7:20 am to begin our latest 2 mile out and back walk we were a little stiff....a common malady of the elderly.  We managed to average just 2.9 mph, but by the time we were covering the last 200 yards we were finally beginning to get 'loose', as they say.....

.....I was supposed to play golf with Mower Mike and John Wednesday, but my right knee was very stiff from last week's 18 holes, so I decided to give it a week off, and apply ice to the back of my knee, but before I could do that we needed to drive into Alturas for our weekly grocery acquisitions.  

We were out the door by 9 am, arriving at the local DMV office around 9:25 am.  Our California drivers licenses are up for renewal in September (TLE), and October (moi), and we've both gotten the notices that we can begin the renewal process.  Additionally, we wanted to pay the registration renewal for the VW Beetle.  We've been able to do this in person at this very UNbusy DMV the past two years, but the DMV now has a policy that all registration renewals must be done online, and not in person, as many of the DMV's in urban areas are so busy.  Obviously, to me anyway, the DMV's located in rural areas, such as Alturas, do not have this issue.  As if often the case with entrenched bureaucracies, their solution to problems is a 'one size fits all'.....really, really dumb.  

This is now, also, the case for drivers license renewals.  Pretty much everything must be done online now, and once you have completed the online application for renewal, and taken an online driving safety course, plus uploaded the supporting documents for obtaining a 'REAL ID' (Passport, and two documents proving California residency) you can make an appointment to have a new picture taken, plus take an eye test.  Once you are over 70 years of age you must appear, in person, every 5 years to renew you license....doh!

After that disappointing DMV encounter (by the way, the local employees think the new rules are dumb, also), we headed first to Grocery Outlet, then Holiday Market to complete our weekly purchases.  Once done shopping I headed for ACE Hardware after dropping TLE at the local Starbucks to acquire two Frappuccinos (mocha and vanilla bean).  By the time I finished with ACE TLE was there with the aforementioned Frappuccinos, and we were on our way home.

Once home I put some ice in a bag, sat down in my recliner, turned on Peacock to watch Stage 11 of Le Tour, then iced my knee for a few hours.  I haven't watched an entire Stage of Le Tour de France in about a week, so needing to apply ice to my knee was the perfect excuse to do just that. The stage was a very aggressive stage with the Peleton really pushing the pace.  In the end they finished almost an hour ahead of the projected time with Tadej Pogacar and Jonas Vingegaard, the #1 and #2 finishers the past 4 years (Tadej won in 2020, and 2021, and Jonas in 2022, and 2023), racing for the finish line well ahead of their pursuers.  Jonas won Stage 11 by just a few inches as they crossed the finish line....a very exciting Stage 11, for sure.

Other than the 2 mile out and back walk, and our grocery shopping, TLE and I stayed close to home Wednesday, and most of that time in the cool confines of the air conditioned Newell....thank goodness for good air conditioning!

Thanks for stopping by!

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