Sunday, July 21, 2024

Just a little luck, please.....

7:23 am - Sunday - July 21st - LPG&RVR - 69° F, humidity 37%, wind 1 mph out of the east by northeast......partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 98° F.....actually got to 102° F yesterday!  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were residing at the Kalispell, MT Elks Lodge, which is next to a private airport.....

With few exceptions this summer TLE and I have been walking 2 miles on each of our 4 days off each 8 day cycle, but Saturday I just could not bring myself to do it.  My right knee really makes it difficult to enjoy the walk, and I'm beginning to believe that I'm just making it worse....whatever 'it' is.  My knee feels unstable, and there is swelling in the back of the knee which prevents me from fulling extending my leg.  Is this just old age making its presence known via arthritis, or is there some damage in there which needs to be addressed?  You will recall that one of the falls I had last winter at Glamis North Hot Springs involved me twisting, or hyper extending my right knee.  It seemed to get better for quite a while, and within 10 days of the fall I was able to walk normally again, with no pain, however, that same pain returned about 2 weeks ago.  I kept thinking I could just 'walk it off', but that is not happening.  There has been little, or no change in the pain level, or condition of the knee for 10 days now, so I think it is time to have it looked at by an orthopedist.

Anyway, since we did not walk first thing Saturday morning we got to watching the 3rd round of 'The Open' earlier than usual, and watched it until its conclusion around 12:30 pm.  There was a lot of rain, and just about the time it appeared the leaders were walking away from the rest of the field there was a cascade of bogeys.  By the end the round the leaders had lost 5-7 strokes, falling from 8 under par to 1 under par, and the new leaders were at 4 under par.  Going into Sunday's fourth round there are probably 8-10 players with a chance to get hot, and win it all....just like we like it!

Next us was the 20th Stage of Le Tour, which was another exciting mountain stage seeing Tadej Pocagar winning his 5 stage of this year's tour with another come from behind climb to win the stage by 7 seconds over the second place rider....amazing!

Of course, there was the weekly Putting Contest at 4 pm, and I was there sweltering in the 102° F heat with 21 other intrepid contestants.  I managed to get through 4 rounds, and was once again tied after 5 holes with my opponent, so we did a one putt, closest to the hole playoff....I lost by less than 1/2 other words, my worthy opponent was less than an inch closer to the hole than ball actually went into the hole, but lipped out at the last second.....doh!  The take away for me is I am putting as well as I have putted all summer, and just need a little!

By the way, I was talking with good friends Ron and Karen Murray, who are from Reno, while at the Putting Contest, and was able to get a referral to a good orthopedist.  I was able to go online to their website and set an appointment for next Friday (July 26th) to get my knee assessed...there's the touch of luck for which I was looking.  "You can't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need".

Thanks for stopping by!

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