Monday, July 29, 2024

Is this the apocolypse?

 7:27 am - Monday - July 29th - LPG&RVR - 53° F, humidity 47%, win 2 mph out of the east by southeast......smokey skies again today with a forecast high of 84° F.  On this date in 2013 we were in East Glacier (Glacier National Park) where threatening skies of the night before gave way to rain the next morning.....

The night before....

On this date.....

I always expect a little lower back pain the day of, or at least day after I play golf, especially after a long layoff, but Sunday there was no pain anywhere, not in my lower back, or in my right knee.  We had decided the afternoon before that we would tee off Sunday at 10 am for another 18.  On this particular day Charles and I were hitting the ball off the tee with pretty good consistency, and often ended up within a few yards of each other.  I managed a bogey on the the 1st hole, and an unexpected par on the 2nd.  I followed that up with another par on the par 3 third hole.  Playing two days in a row has its advantages, and I played pretty well.  Even in a few cases where my tee shot was a little off line I was able to recover with my second shots from some pretty sketchy lies.  A great example of this was my tee shot on the par 3 sixteenth hole (elevated tee box).  I hit it way to the left, and ended up in a ditch about 20 yards away from the hole.  My ball was in the middle of some tallish weeds, but I managed to hit a good chip, anyway, to within 3 feet of the hole, and sink my putt for par.  In all I had 6, or 7 pars on the day, and a bunch of bogeys, and  I parred the final three holes.  I only hit one of the par 3 holes in regulation (#11), but I managed to par three of them, anyway.

We actually played all 18 holes in 3 hours and 10, where else can one do that?  We arrived back at the Clubhouse around 3:15 pm, and ordered 4 Bloody Marys, and two orders of fries.....

....a very nice way to end our golfing day!  We were the only ones at the restaurant as the park is only about 25% occupied right now due to the heavy smoke we have had for the past week from the Park Fire.  This is a large fire (the largest in California history) north of Chico, CA (way northwest)...quite a ways away from our location, but the winds have been out of the northwest for about a week now, making us the unhappy recipients of all this smoke.  This is how the sun looked at 7:30 pm as we walked home from Charles and Phyllis' 5th wheel after dinner, and a movie.....

....that, my friends, is a pretty thick layer of smoke to turn the sun into a small red orb.  Of course, the heavy layer of smoke has kept the temperatures here pretty cool the past week, and we've had a week's worth of low 80's temperatures as a result.  Personally, I'd rather have the clear, blue skies and temps in the 90's, but it is what it is.

Thanks for stopping by!

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