Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2 weeks notice.....

6:51 am - Wednesday - July 3rd - LPG&RVR - 53° F, humidity 41%, wind 1 mph out of the north by northeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 91° Saturday we'll be in triple digits for what looks like 7 days now, hitting the high for the summer so far of 104° F next Thursday.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were driving the 'Grand Loop' in Yellowstone National Park.....

As I noted in yesterday's missive I switched afternoon shifts with the guy who shares my job, but I still had Tuesday morning to laze around.  By the way, this guy, who shares the afternoon part of my job, gave his 2 week notice almost two weeks ago now.  He feels the job (4 hours per day for four days) is too tough for him....he's only 2 years older than I.  He takes so many breaks during his 4 hour afternoon shift that he probably only works 2.5 hours out of the 4, and gets very little done when he is working.  Oh well. TLE and I did take our customary off work 2 mile out and back walk averaging around 3.1 mph..... avoid the heat of the day we began our walk around 7:45 am, and there was still a chill in the air.....nice!  We sat on the 'lido deck' afterwards for about 30 minutes, and then I got busy working on some odds and ends around our site.  The dining canopy needed to have some of the screws and nuts tightened, plus I threw in a strengthening workout for good measure, then headed inside to watch the 4th stage of Le Tour de France before going to work at 1 pm.  Tadej Pogačar won the stage, and the yellow jersey, managing to separate himself from the rest of the field by 45 seconds.

The forecast high for Tuesday was 89° F, and it felt every bit of that by 2 pm.  I made a couple of 'marshaling' rounds of the course interspersed with some mowing, and trimming, some ball washing, irrigation, and cart washing.  I'm used to working 8 hours straight each day, so I can do 4 hours 'standing on my head' as the saying goes.  I was headed home exactly at 5 pm, and minutes later found myself enjoying a long, hot shower..

I have a cousin (Lois), on my mother's side of the family, who lives in Sparks, NV, and it has been a couple of years since we've seen her, and her husband, so we made arrangements a few weeks ago to drive down to Sparks (Reno) this Friday morning, and spend the night, returning back to LPG&RVR Saturday morning....a day I would normally be working, but I was able to get Lynn (wife of Mower Mike) to work the morning half of my shift for me, and I will work the afternoon after we return from Sparks.  As an added bonus her sister, Liz, will be in town for the 4th of July.  We haven't seen her for about 8 years now.

We spent a couple of hours on the 'lido deck' watching the sun set, and reading before the mosquitoes chased un indoors around 9 pm where we continued to read until 10 pm when we headed off to dreamland.  I'll be playing another round of golf with Mower Mike and John Benner Wednesday (today).  We've got an 8:45 am tee time, so it's time for me to get dressed and get ready to play 18 holes.

Thanks for stopping by!

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