Friday, October 3, 2014

BD Eve

As I sat down at my laptop this morning about 6:30 am to insert a few words about Thursday on the screen when I received an unexpected greeting from my "friends" at Google....

I know there is not much that is a secret on the world wide interweb, but I don't recall ever getting a birthday greeting from a search engine's a little bit cool, and a lot creepy.  Yes, it is my birthday.....I don't feel any older, and it seems that I was 19 just a few years ago, but numbers don't lie (often), and here I am staring at the big SIXTY-FIVE.  To all of my friends who were up way to early today wishing me a "Happy Birthday", thank you so much for thinking of me, and your well does touch my heart, and makes me feel very "rich" today.  My beloved sister Jill put this picture up first thing today on Facebook.....I was probably just about 1 year old at the time.....I was a happy guy then, and I am a happy guy today.

So, now you know, Thursday was my birthday eve......ironically I do have a number of people in my life who share October 3rd as a day of birth with me, one being my oldest daughter, Meredith.  It wasn't until my senior year in college that I discovered two of my good friends were also born on the same day.  My youngest sister, Hilary, was born on the day after my birthday.  A long time very good friend from my workaday life, Theda Mae, was also born on this day.....whenever I am in SoCal on our birthday we get together for lunch.

Okay, now on to what we did on Thursday.......we were assigned the afternoon shift on October 2nd, and arrived by 12:30 to begin our shift.  I took up my position in the lantern room, while TLE remained downstairs in the work room.  Our first group of the day included Krash and Karen who came to take the official tour of the lighthouse.  To my surprise, Chris and Cherie came up the ladder about an hour later to say "Hi" for a few minutes, and I managed to capture this picture of them walking down the hill one last time before they depart Cape Blanco for new horizons.

Both TLE and I were expecting fewer visitors since it is now October, but, in fact, we hosted 74 visitors from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.....more than we usually do in any afternoon, so we were quite busy for the entire shift.

Nevertheless, in between tours, I did manage to catch this great shot of the sun on the water........we continue to have winds in the range of 25-30 mph most of the afternoon out of the north/northwest.

We were off work by 3:30, but had to wait until 4 pm for the last cars to exit the parking lot before we could lock the gate and head for home.

I spent part of the evening watching baseball playoffs, and a few minutes watching the Thursday Night Football game between the Vikings and Packers, but that game became lopsided pretty quickly, so I lost interest.  We closed out the evening watching "Bones" on Fox, and then TLE watched a couple of cooking shows before we headed off to slumberland.

Thanks for stopping by!


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