7:40 am - Sunday - March 7th - Santa Barbara, CA - 53° F, 86% humidity, wind 6 mph out of the east by northeast.......overcast this morning with a forecast high today of 61° F. On this date in 2012 we were dry camping on the shores of the Neuces River in the middle of a youth soccer complex, just north of Corpus Christi, TX.......↴
We've been gone from Seal Rock, OR for almost a month now, and have yet to ride our eBikes. Saturday was a beautiful, blue skies, sunny day.....the perfect day for a bike ride to the beach. We are less than 5 miles from the ocean here, and with our eBikes it is an easy out and back ride. To access the local bike paths we rode south on Patterson to Hollister, and turned left where we picked up the Maria Ignacio Bike Path in about 1/2 block where we in turn rode south to the Obern Bike Path taking us all the way to Goleta Beach.......
Santa Cruz Island in the distance....part of the Channel Islands Group
University of Santa Barbara, California in the distance
.....we sat there on a picnic table enjoying the warmth of the sun, and the view of Santa Cruz Island in the distance for about 20 minutes before beginning the ride back to the Elks Lodge where I needed to pickup my Wuhan Flu mask for entering the local Albertson's Grocery Store about 2 blocks down Calle Real. We were back home around 1 pm unloading our grocery haul after covering a total of 10.1 miles on our eBikes.....a nice first time out in a long time.
Since we arrived in SoCal about 5 days ago my allergies have been going wild, and my head feels all plugged up as a result. I've been taking Benedryl during that time to mollify the symptoms as much as I can, but that makes me tired, resulting in frequent naps. I'm looking forward to escaping the allergy zone in the next few days, and getting back to 'normal', whatever that may be.....lol!
Thanks for stopping by!
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It is always nice to have a 'first' bike ride as it means more will follow. The water looks beautiful and so does that sunshine!