Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Shrink wrap......

 7:35 am - Wednesday - March 17th - Seal Rock, OR - 34° F, 93% humidity, wind - zero mph out of the north....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 52° F.  On this date in 2012 we were in Thibodeaux, LA at Nicholls State University listening to Zydeco Music........↴

 Tuesday was just simply a beautiful, cloudless day here in Seal Rock.  A perfect day in which to paint picnic tables, and that is what I did for the most part Tuesday.....of course there is that every two weeks job of cleaning the filters at the WDS plant (septic) that we worked at for the first 30 minutes.  I ended up working a little over two hours in all before heading home to work on a few things around site #A-2.  

The first 5 months we were here I covered my headlights and taillights with 3M blue masking tape to protect them from the salt air, and that proved to be effective, but extremely difficult to remove.  This time around I decided to cover them in shrink wrap, and then secure that with a small amount of 3M blue masking tape........

......additionally I covered the right front, and left front turn signals......

....and have begun to wrap the aluminum support arms for the Zip Dee patio awning.......

.....I'll finish them up on Wednesday after work, and then work on covering our air horns on the top of the Newell, and anything else which may become susceptible to the corrosive effects of the heavily laden salt air here in Seal Rock such as the ALCOA wheels, which I spent quite some time polishing in Wittmann, AZ.  It is my hope this method will be just as effective, but much easier to remove.

After changing my clothes, and having some ice tea I headed out to work at those aforementioned projects (around 1:30 pm), and continued working pretty much the entire time TLE was at work (2 pm to 4 pm) doing the above, and hauling more gravel down from site #A-1, using a 5 gallon plastic bucket, to fill in a few low spots under the artificial turf on the 'lido deck', as well as sweeping off a month's worth of storm debris from the turf.

It appears, beginning Thursday, that we will have a lot of rain for the next week, but that is just the forecast.  Things can change, but I am not hopeful.  The forecasts for this part of the Oregon Coast seem to be quite accurate for the most part.

Thanks for stopping by!

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1 comment:

  1. Someone told me that painters tape comes with different amount of times it can be left in place, then removed with no residue problems. The cheaper the tape to less time you can leave it in place.
    That could be worth checking into...


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