8:35 am - Tuesday - September 21st - Seal Rock, OR - 59° F, 63% humidity (wait, what?), wind 13 mph out of the east by northeast.....clear, blue skies today with a forecast high of 72° F (WOW!). This is the first time the temp has been over 70° F in 2 months, and the first time since we've been here that the humidity has been under 70%! On this date in 2018 we arrived at the Elks Lodge in Burlington, VT for a 5 day stay. Vermont was the 45th state we had entered in our Newell since we began our full time travels in February of 2012......↴

On Tuesday I was at work before 10 am, and spreading gravel a little after in site #10. This site is high in back, and high on the left side as you face the site from the street. My goal was to remove dirt and gravel from the rear of the site, moving it to the front to lower the back and raise the front, then bring in the gravel to level from side to side, and pave the entire site. In all it took me about 2.5 hours to finish the job....I wish I had taken pictures, but became so engrossed in the process I forgot. Only two sites remain now....sites 18 and 19. I've already begun work on 18, and hope to finish it in the next few days.
After work I removed another strand of solar lights from the trees on the driver side of the coach, so there are just two strands left there.....they will be taken down, and stowed by the end of the week. All that will remain then are the rope lights wrapped around the trees in site A-3, and they will begin to be taken down this weekend. Time is getting short!
We began watching another Netflix series entitled 'Broadchurch' the other night. There are three seasons, and it, so far, is excellent! Check it out!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Hope your last few days are as good as all the ones since you've been there. Have you and TLE posted your next adventure yet? Our time in Va is up next week and will be heading out to Iowa to visit some family...still happy with our Classic Newell!!
ReplyDeleteHi Guy! Thank you for your comment. So glad you are still happy with your Newell. Had Todd not rescued your coach from where it sat neglected for years it might be in a scrap heap by now, except for the fact Todd found her, and breathed new life into her. He was only the custodian for a short time, but his investment has enabled you to become a vagabonder supreme. Hope to cross paths with you and Sue this winter! Safe travels!