6:53 am - Sunday - September 26th - Seal Rock, OR - 55° F, 82° F, wind 6 mph out of the south by southeast.....overcast today with a forecast high of 61° F....chance of rain late this afternoon. On this date in 2012 we arrived at the home of college friend John Dickerson who lives west of Fayettville, Arkansas. John was married to Cathy McAuliffe the sister of Jack McAuliffe who is recognized as the father of American Craft Brewing. He happened to be there at the time, and we got to visit a local craft brewery and talk about his influence on modern craft brewing.......↴

I was finally able to finish installing the shutoff valve on the hot water supply line under the sink. The Sharkbite reducer fittings (1/2" x 3/8") arrived at the Post Office Thursday afternoon, and I picked them up Friday afternoon. I spent time Friday night assembling the valve to the reducers, so it only took 15-20 minutes remove the temporary 3/8" x 3/8" coupling, cut about 6" off the bottom of the 3/8" copper tubing, then install the new valve assembly....
The assembled valve and my tools
....one of the great things about Sharkbite fittings is you can easily disassemble them using a small 'C' shaped plastic tool. I still had the 1/2" tool from my tankless water heater installation back in March of 2020, but I did not have a 3/8" one, so I fabricated one out of a flat washer which had a 3/8" center hole.....
....amazingly, it worked perfectly! Below is a closeup of the valve attached on each end to the 1/2" x 3/8" reducers utilizing PEX tubing I had on hand.......
.....and below you can see the shutoff valve installed...."no runs, no drips, no errors" as Johnny Bench used to say in the those Krylon spray paint commercials back in the 70's, or 80's....that means it didn't leak......lol......
.....next I moved out to the trailer to take down the tool bag table.....this is usually the last thing I do before we leave as I do not like bending over to get tools out of the bags on the floor. Additionally, TLE and I moved the dorm fridge to the Tool Shed where it will be used to cool water bottles for the park workers so we don't have to go all the way back to the office to get water. By the time the day was finished I only have the three bikes to stow into their travel positions, and we are ready for VW insertion.....
....it's beginning to look a little empty in the trailer.....the fireplace will go back into the Newell to its travel position on Thursday, and we will be hauling anchor Friday morning. In addition to taking down the tool bag table I also prepped the wheel well cover on the driver side of the trailer to repaint it. A number of months ago the 1 gallon bottle of Simple Green I had on hand for radiator cleaning leaked, and ate through the paint exposing the bare metal, which then began to rust in the salt laden air of SRRVC......that Simple Green stuff is pretty corrosive stuff.....I had no idea......
.....I used a wire wheel attachment on my Porter-Cable impact driver to remove the rust, and loose paint. I'll probably paint it on Sunday.
We never really got any sunshine Saturday, so there was no sunset, but we did watch a lot of Ryder Cup on TV whilst working. The U.S. ended the day up 11-5. The U.S. only needs 14.5 points to win, so they have a seemingly insurmountable lead, but that's why they actually play the matches, right? Who knows what will happen Sunday....is it possible Europe will win....of course, but is it probable......I don't think so. Europe would have to win 9 out of the 12 singles matches to be played Sunday....that's a pretty tall order. We shall see what we shall see.
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