Wednesday, December 20, 2023


7:43 am - Wednesday - December 20th - GNHS - 52° F, humidity 56%, wind 3 mph out of the southeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 70° F.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I were in Nashville visiting Antique Archeology (American Pickers).....very cool to see it in person.....↴ 

Day 2 of my 'house arrest' went well, and I am seeing steady improvement in my right knee, but being off my feet all day, and doing NOTHING is a tough pill to swallow.  I went outside once all day long just to stand in the sun, but then returned to my recliner, and the icing and heating pad routine.  The swelling continues to decrease, and it appears that doing NOTHING all day is working.

There was pretty heavy cloud cover all day, which led to neither a Chocolate Mountains light show, nor sunset pictures.  I know there is a storm heading towards us, so the cloud cover is not too surprising, but when you are used to crystal clear, blue, sunny skies every day it still takes you by surprise.

And that is pretty much it.  I did NOTHING except rest my knee all day Tuesday, so there is nothing about which to write.  Well, wait a minute, there is just one thing of note to report about Tuesday....Kyle was finally able to bring the front loader up to our site,  scoop up that big pile of pine needles TLE and I raked up a few weeks ago, and and haul it away....



.....looks quite a bit better now!  Thanks for stopping by!

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