Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Red sky at night, sailor's delight.....

 7:29 am - Tuesday - December 12th - GNHS - 40° F, humidity 77%, wind 4 mph out of the east by southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 66° F.  On this date in 2013 I installed LED lights under the coach for the first time......↴

The cloud cover Monday morning presented the perfect opportunity to wipe down the driver side of the coach.  I am not a big fan of direct sunlight, so being able to do that job with cloud cover is too good an opportunity to procrastinate over too long.  And since the black tank required dumping I kind of multi tasked and did both at the same time, and by 10 am both tasks were completed.  There was a third task requiring my attention.....it's been over a month since I turned over the big Detroit Diesel 6v92 TA, so I did just that.  She roared to life within a couple of seconds purring just like a kitten, and 8 minutes later, after building the air pressure in my supply, and brake air tanks back to 120 psi, I shut her down once again.  While building air pressure I keep the RPMs around 1,000 to build oil pressure, and circulate it through the engine, and turbo.

With those three tasks completed I headed down to the hot pools/tubs for another hour long soak.  Soaking four or five days each week is becoming quite a habit for me, and I am reaping the benefits big time.  After returning from my soak I did my back exercises, and then hit a dozen whiffle golf balls into the net.....my swing feels good, and I'm driving the ball straight most of the time.  From there I worked on my putting, and am pleased to report there are no issues there.

By the time all that was done it was lunch time, and TLE announced she had a sandwich ready for me....she is so lovely!  While eating I caught up on a few of the YouTube channels I follow, and then took a long nap.....what a nice day!

Even though there was still pretty heavy cloud cover I headed outside to the 'viewing deck'  a little after 4 pm to see what kind of a sunset we would get.....you just never know.  When I sat down the Chocolates were not lit up at all, and I was beginning to think there would be no light show, but then in a flash they it up, and a few minutes later we had a spectacular sunset, which stretched on for 40 minutes....

It was as if someone flipped a switch....one second there was a shadow over them, and the next instant they lit up

 .....the sunset kept evolving minute by minute, so I kept snapping pictures....it was like 5, or 6 sunsets combined into one amazing event!  Like I said, you just never know what you're going to get when there are clouds on the western horizon.  I'm glad I was outside to witness it.

Shortly after re-entering the Newell TLE advised that dinner was ready......well, it was more like breakfast for dinner, but who is quibbling, right?  She had prepared biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs.  She makes the most amazing sausage gravy, not to mention those amazing country biscuits, and I cherished every single bite.  To cap off the evening we watched another Hallmark Christmas movie (Boy friends of Christmas Past), which ended with tears being shed, as they always do.  Life is good for TLE and I, and we are doing all that we can to live in, and cherish each moment.  We are so blessed to live in these amazing rural areas with big views, and quiet solitude.

Thanks for stopping by!

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