Monday, May 16, 2022

The vacuum still works.....

 6:20 am - Monday - May 16th - Likely, CA - 40° F, humidity 81%, wind - for the first time since we arrived here the wind is CALM.  Forecast high today is 69° F.  On this date in 2020 we arrived in Durango, CO.....↴

Sunday was the complete polar opposite of Saturday....very laid back, and fewer golfers.  We're still in that early summer season zone where Sunday is 'vacuum day'.....the day when everybody leaves to return to their workaday lives.  Soon it will be Memorial Day weekend, and things will change.  Families will come to stay for a week at a time, and Sunday will seem like any other day.

I initially only put 5 golf carts, then added 3 more around 9 am, and they lasted until 11 am when I put out five more, and that seemed to satisfy the demand the balance of the day.  I spent time mowing the tee boxes on the 18th hole as I did a week ago....the grass never stops growing.  I'll get out to do the tee boxes on 18, 17 and 16 on Monday, or Tuesday.  

One of my jobs is retrieving the empty golf ball baskets from the driving range, and refilling them for TLE....on Saturday I did this a dozen times, but on Sunday there were only two baskets to refill.....

....I never had more than 2 carts to wash at any one time, and I had the last one washed and put away by 4 pm.  On Mondays and Thursdays someone has to run the ball machine up and down the driving range to retrieve all the golf balls, then wash them and put them back in the 55 gallon can in the Club House so they can be put back in those green baskets.  Since all the golfers were off the course, and no one was hitting balls on the driving range I decided to make a run out to the back of the driving range where the golf cart used to push the ball retrieving machinery around is kept, and ran it for the first time to just get a feel for it, and how it operates.  I think I cleared most of the back 1/3 of the driving range before it was time to head for home.  I'll finish that sometime Monday, and then the 'fun' of washing the golf balls will commence.

For the first time since we arrived we had no heaters running inside the Newell Sunday fact I even had a window open in the salon all evening, and I opened the window by my side of the bed when we headed off to dream land....that is also a first.  We seem to have turned a corner with the 15 day forecast showing temps in the 60's and 70's, and only one night with a low in the 30's....the rest are in the 40's....nice.  I can see many more evenings spent outside enjoying the warmer weather.

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