7:25 am - Thursday - December 15th - GNHS - 40° F, 59% humidity, wind 3 mph out of the south.....crystal clear, chilly, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 61° F....yup, we're definitely into low desert winter temps now. On this date in 2018 we were just 5 days from our departure from our 3rd Peak Season at Amazon.....I have the calendar picture to prove it....lol.....↴
Wednesday began as a normal day off work, but ended with an unexpected drive south to All Valley Urgent Care in Brawley, but I get ahead of myself, again.TLE and I decided pretty early on Wednesday to install the new 6' x 8' piece of artificial green turf in the COA office to get it over with before the semi final game between France and Morroco began at 11 am. We had to empty all the full faced helmets from one of the shelving units so we could slide the unit out the door making way for the artificial turf installation. The little COA office is about 10' x 14' so the 6' x 8' piece would fit easily....
We moved this shelving unit to intall the carpt
Fastened the carpet to the plywood flooring with 6 screws/washers
to hold it mostly in place
Green artificial turf installed
.....in all it took us less than 30 minutes beginning to end, and now we believe the entrance to the office looks much better.
By 11 am, the beginning of the World Cup match I wrote about earlier, the outdoor temp was still in the low 50's so we watched it indoors. The match itself was a well played match with Morroco having numerous great scoring opportunities, but the French goalkeeper made many exeptional saves to prevent any of them from finding the back of the net. France, on the otherhand, managed to hit the back of the Morrocan net twice, and won the match as the clock hit full time 2-0....the first clean sheet they have garnered in the 2022 World Cup.
During half time TLE and I played our putting game on the 'lido deck'. The game we have devised requires one to put one of 5 golf balls into each hole, and then any more sunk will serve as tie breakers should both golfers suceed in putting in 3 balls.....this is how the green looked after our last match before heading back inside to watch the rest of the match....

.....TLE chose orange as her ball color, and I white.....I managed to sink all 5 of my balls, and TLE 4 of hers.....the two long grooves in the back of the putting green are 'sand traps', and they do not count. While the green looks flat, it is not. There is a slope in front of the three holes which adds to the difficulty factor. The center hole is pretty much a straight putt, but the right and left holes both have a right to left break making them very hard to sink without going in one of the sand traps, or off the green entirely. If you don't make a particular putt, but the ball remains on the putting green, and not off of it, or in the sand trap you can retrieve it and putt it again on your next turn. Once all the balls are in the holes, off the green, or in the sand traps the game is over. I won this particular match because I sank all 5 of my balls in the holes, and TLE only managed 4. It's a fun game, and helps keep us sharp, plus is helping both of us to learn how to manage breaks, and also putt straight consistently.
During the 2nd half of the World Cup match TLE was preparing a charcuterie board for 2nd half snacks and cut her left index finger quite badly. She kept pressure on the cut with gauze to stop the bleeding, but by the end of the match it had not stopped, and after I looked at it and saw how bad it was, decided to drive her down to an urgent care in Brawley. It is the closest medical care to our location, and while it is 36 miles, does not seem that far considering how far we'be been on other occasions. We left around 1:15 pm, and arrived at All Valley Urgent Care just before 2 pm.
There was no one else there so TLE was taken in pretty quickly, and by 3 pm we were out the door, and on our way to Rite Aide where she had to pickup up an antibiotic prescription. Believe, or not, it took us 90 minutes to get the prescription filled......all I can say is 'can you spell incompetence' (I'm speaking of the pharmacy, not the urgent care)? I'll let it go at that. We finally began our drive home at 4:30 pm, arriving home as darkeness descended upon GHNS one more time. Oh, in case you wonder, TLE received 4 stitches to close the knife cut, and is doing fine as I write. There would be a picture, but TLE's index finger is quite shy....lol.
We watched the 3 hour 'Survivor' finale, which was won by Gabler, who at 51 years of age is the second oldest person to win survivor in 43 seasons. It was totally unexpected to us, and to the other two finalists. Gabler is a heart surgeon in real life, and donated the entire $1 million dollars to a military charity.....that is a first for 'Survivor'.
Thanks for stopping by!
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