7:24 am - Wednesday - December 28th - GNHS - 55° F, 87% humidity, wind 6 mph out of the south.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 70° F......rained on and off most of last night, but beautiful today! On this date in 2018 TLE and I were stopped at a Rest Area south of Atlanta in the rain......the absolute worst driving day we have ever had in almost 11 years.....torrential rain, and extremely (worse than normal, which is horrible on any day) bad Atlanta traffic......↴

Tuesday I was still tired from the Christmas weekend, and actually took two long naps during the day. The entire day was heavily overcast, which was in line with the forecat rain later in the evening. One thing we have noticed since we arrived at GNHS is that if the weather forecast shows anything over 24% chance of rain it will most likely rain, but on days when the likelihood of rain is guessed to be over 50% it will not rain....weird. Anyway, the forecast called for 24% chance of rain Tuesday evening, and we got rain just after we went to bed. The cloud cover was so heavy it looked like dusk at 2 pm, when, in fact, dusk was still 2.5 hours in the future.When I wasn't napping I was puttering around in the trailer with my tool bags, and specifically the large tool bag, which is supposed to be for LARGE tools. It is quite large, and there is so much in there I forget what is actually in there, so I removed all the tools, and then separated out all non large tool items....
Now there is plenty of room in the large tool bag for the large tools
This is some of the stuff I removed from the large tool tool bag
.....surprisingly this kept me busy for quite a long time. Now I need to sort through the other two smaller tool bags to get all the non-tool stuff out of them, too....
.....and then I will need to find some other place for that stuff....lol.
When we were at Stater Brothers on Monday we bought some marinated chicken kabobs to grill, and TLE decided Tuesday evening was the time for that so around 5 pm I lit the Sea-B-Que and grilled 5 kabobs....no we didn't eat all 5 kabobs Tuesday night....there are almost two left, so there will be another meal out of what is left over.
We still have recorded Hallmark Christmas movies in the DVR queue, so we watched a couple more to close out the evening festivities. We'll have one more day off before we go back to work on Thursday. This is the first time we've had 3-4 days off in a row since we began working for COA, and we owe a debt of thanks to Casey and Torrie for flying down from Durango over Christmas to give us a break. Not that this job is hard, it really isn't most of the time except when I have to go out on a rescue, but even that is not too hard....so far. It's just nice to have 4 days off work in a row....we really got used to that this past summer at Likely Place Golf and RV Resort.
Thanks for stopping by!
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