Saturday, December 15, 2018


4:13 am - Saturday - December 15th - Campbellsville, KY - 50º F, 97% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the north by northeast......heavy cloud cover, rainy all day today with a forecast high of 53º F.

Gettin' close!

It was back to work Friday, and as we walked to work under threatening skies I reminded myself that it is just 4, or 5 more days of work and then we are free to return to 'Every day is Saturday' mode once again.  As often I do, I struggled to get a rhythm going Friday....I ended the first quarter with 199 picks, so not too bad, but my second quarter was a measly 177 picks.  I try to hit 200 picks per quarter, but the picking Friday morning was not conducive to that goal.  Another factor is that I was merrily picking along in Pick Mod 'A' when I got the dreaded 'Move to a new area' message on my scanner....and that new area is?  Pick Mod 'E'.....ugggghh!  And Building 'C' is where I remained for the rest of the day picking on all four floors of 'E' with a 2.5 hour stint in 'F' thrown in for good measure.  Remarkably, and hence I remark, I managed 350 picks in the third quarter, and an additional 225 picks in the fourth quarter, so I managed to get my quarterly average up to 237 for the day!  Of course, whenever I have a record setting quarter (350 picks is my high water mark this year) TLE almost always out does me, and she managed 368 picks for the third quarter to best me by 18.  I really don't mind getting beat by TLE, because she is really a very fine picker.  She is consistently at 125% of expectations.

When you reach the 320 hours worked mark at Amazon you automatically receive 5 hours of PTO (Personal Time Off).  Normally, as seasonal workers, if you don't use the PTO you lose it at the end of your seasonal job, but because they are letting us go much earlier than normal they are 'paying it out' if you don't use it, so that's an extra 10 hours (combined) we'll get paid for and we don't even have to pick a single thing, or show up for work to collect it!

We emerged from the concrete bunker to pelting rain, and since we did not drive the VW to work we walked home in the rain.  It wasn't really that fact I kind of enjoyed it.  We both wore our rain proof parkas to work so all we suffered for the quarter mile uphill walk home was slightly damp shoes.

TLE reheated about half of the spare ribs we brought home from Brothers for dinner, and oh how amazing they were again.  Now we have one more dinner of spare ribs, making it 3 meals for the price of one.  As is our custom we turned the lights out and were in bed by 8 pm prepping our tired bodies for another 10 hour shift Saturday.

Thanks for stopping by!

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1 comment:

  1. 10 or 12 hr shifts with the work-eat-sleep-work routine does get old.
    It's worse when you have a commute attached!


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