Monday, December 17, 2018


4:18 am - Monday - December 17th - Campbellsville, KY - 34º F, 98% humidity, wind 4 mph out of the south by southwest.....clear today with a forecast high of 50º F.

Only two work days left!

Sunday was forecast to be cloudy, but not rainy, but oh did it rain!  We first became aware of the rain at lunch via the large windows in Break Room A, and when we exited the bunker at 5 pm you could tell it had only stopped raining an hour, or two prior.

As we walked to 'Stand Up' I turned on my scanner to find that I had once again been assigned to Pick Mod 'E'......'Oh well' I's only 3 more days of 'E' and I will be free.  Not to fast 10 am after having picked on all four levels of 'E', and a little in 'F' I got the message I had been hoping for on my scanner...."Change areas.....move to P-2-B and scan a new tote"!  So off to Building 'A' I trundled with a big grin upon my face.  And Building 'A' is where I spent the rest of my day picking.  I was in P-1-B (Low) picking as the final chimes announced the end to day three of our work week.....we are now over the proverbial 'hump'.

It was announced at 'Stand Up' that Amazon would be providing a pizza lunch for us on Monday, so we've got that going for us.  I have noticed that most of my Camperforce associates are wearing big smiles the past couple of days as the the realization that their tour of duty is almost over here at Amazon begins to seem real.  We are all kind of worn down physically, and between the smiles I see yawning from almost everyone.  How anyone does this job 12 months a year is beyond me.  Just the overwhelming background sound will wear you down....forget about the miles of walking, and stair climbing each day.  It is my sincere hope I will not be called upon by my Motorola scanner to climb to the fourth floor of any Pick Mod in my remaining time.....the first two flights are alright, but that final 3rd flight to the 4th floor is a killer, especially in the 9th hour of a 10 hour shift.

TLE made her famous anchovie pizza for dinner, and I quickly slipped into a food coma....OMG that pizza is soooo good!  We were again in bed by 8 pm dreaming of just two more shifts in the concrete bunker.

Thanks for stopping by!

When you shop Amazon, please use our link (below) to access their website.......we will appreciate every purchase you make using our Amazon Affiliate link, and  remember, using our link will not add one penny to your purchase, plus we will receive a small commission which helps defray our travel expenses to a small degree.


  1. Clark,

    I may have not noticed but you have not commented on your weight (gain or loss) since your stint at Amazon. Thanks for the daily updates, you are on my daily routine as I sit each morning and read the news of the day. Safe travels and be blessed.

  2. Are you going to winterize your rig before you fly home?

    1. No, it will be plugged in while we are gone, and we have an electric eater heater in the waterbay.

  3. Until next time, Clarke and TLE.
    We left this AM and are visting daughter and grandson in Illinois.

    1. Wish we had been able to spend more time together! Be safe....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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