7:37 am - Tuesday - April 13th - Seal Rock, OR - 43° F, 53% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the northeast....crystal clear, blue skies again today with a forecast high of 63° F....I like the sound of that! On this date in 2017 TLE and I were having cocktails with my brother-in-law, Bob Hammett, and his daughter (our niece), Stephanie in Santa Barbara, CA....waiting for my sister, Hilary, to arrive for dinner.......↴
We were once again greeted with temps in the low 30's Monday morning, and a slight breeze, which grew into heavy winds by the afternoon. Terry and I made the trip up the hill to the barn to see if we could get the Massey-Ferguson loader started on yet another cold morning, but this time I took the VW, and connected her via jumper cables to the tractor battery, and this time we were successful in getting her started.
We spent about 2.75 hours spreading gravel on the beach trail from the beach up to the trail head at the gate......
The gate
....we spent 2 hours just hauling the gravel I hauled with the loader down to, and dumped over the gate down to the trail below the highway, and then worked our way back to the gate......
...from the gate to the highway....

....from the highway down to the beach
....just below these final steps is the beach
.....I'm sure it has been a few years since this was done as the trail was mostly bare dirt with a very little gravel remaining. The last 3/4's of an hour we spent hauling gravel first to site #24, then to site #11 to replenish the gravel in those sites just like I did last week in site #13.
I arrived home just as TLE was getting ready to head down to the office for her 1-4 pm shift. After changing my clothes I spent time trimming grass away from the edge of the 'lido deck' with my hand shears....I'm sure it would have been faster with the Stihl string trimmer, but I forgot to bring it home with me after work. By the time I finished that task the winds had freshened once again, and soon we were getting gusts of wind in the mid to high 20's. That combined with the still sub 50's temps in the early afternoon discouraged me from any further outdoor toil.
So we have finally freed ourselves of rain day after day, but now have strong winds every day in the afternoon. I haven't seen things this dry here on the hill since September, and yet we are still huddling inside our coach in the afternoon to stay out of the incessant wind, and the attendant chill it brings. On the other hand, the views up and down the coast with its wind tossed surf are magnificent, and sitting here at my computer feeling the sun shine through the window in the morning certainly uplifts my spirits, but I really just want to be able to sit on the 'lido deck' in one of our new Adirondack chairs enjoying the sun, the view, reading, and perhaps a nap thrown in for good measure. I'm only human, right? We just want what we want. I know, in my heart, and head, that the rainless, windless weather is just around the corner, but I am really, really ready for it....come on summer!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Summer is coming!