Monday, April 19, 2021

Scraping by......

 7:47 am - Monday - April 19th - Seal Rock, OR - 43° F, 100% humidity, wind - zero mph out of the north......cloudy today with a forecast high of 56° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were visiting the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.......↴

Sunday was a repeat of Saturday weather wise.....overcast, foggy, and kind of chilly.  For TLE and I it was back to work.  We have a new outside summer worker, Fred, and he and Terry mowed and edged numerous sites Sunday while I returned to scraping and painting picnic tables.  Now that the whether is warming, and the rain is lessening there will be many days spent mowing, and edging, and there will be more opportunities to paint the campground furniture.

I can usually scrape one picnic table in an hour, but the one I worked on Sunday was in pretty bad took me exactly two hours to get it ready to paint. Hopefully, the other two will take less time, but that being said, a properly prepared picnic table will be not need to be repainted for a couple of seasons, and it is worth the time needed to scrape off all the loose paint.

As you will recall TLE and I do not work the same hours on Sundays.....I work mornings most days, weather permitting, but TLE's schedule varies depending on the day of the week.  Right now she works 2-4 pm on Sundays, while I work 10 am to 12 pm.  She has time to herself on Sundays, and so do I which is kind of nice once and a while.  

Spring is here and normally we would have satisfied our contract to work the Fall, and Winter seasons, but we chose to remain here through the summer.  Blake and Gale who arrived in October to work 6 months will be leaving at the end of this week, so two new people (Fred and Linda) have been hired to replace them.  They worked here the summer of 2019, and are returning for their second summer, so not too much training is required to get them up to speed.

Terry advised me a new load of gravel will be delivered sometime Monday, so I will most likely return to spreading the new, smaller gravel in the sites which need a little beautification Monday, or Tuesday.

We had a few brief moments of sun near the end of the day, but by 5 pm the fog had rolled in once again blotting out any chance of a visible sunset, and such is life on the Oregon Coast.

Thanks for stopping by!

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