7:44 am - Sunday - April 11th - Seal Rock, OR - 32° F, 93% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the east....crystal, clear, blue, cold skies this morning with a forecast high of 53° F. The view this morning.......↴
.....on this date in 2017 we rode our bikes from the San Luis Obispo Elks Lodge (California) to Avila Beach, and back........↴
Saturday was a cold and blustery day. Since my table project was complete, and it was too cold outside to spend time partially disassembling one of the Adirondack chairs to paint, we took TLE's new Ekhornes chair out to the trailer so she could finish dying the leather. We've waited this long to finish it because we needed some leather crack filler for a couple of areas on the chair, and it took forever for it to finally arrive here in Seal Rocks.....like over 3 weeks. At any rate, it finally arrived just before I left for my trip, so TLE spent time filling those cracks while I was down gone. It will probably take parts of 3 days for her to finish her project due to the drying time required between each coat of dye....
Looking pretty good, so far.....
I forgot to write yesterday about a side project I worked on Friday in between each coat of paint on the tables.....I've had this wood splitting wedge for years.....I got it used at a flea market.....and it had become difficult to use because the top had flared out like a mushroom, was no longer flat, and the cutting edge had dulled, and was uneven. I was going to buy a new one, but then decided this one could be salvaged, and made useable again by first cutting off the mushroomed top........

The mushroomed top was no longer flat, which
made it difficult to drive it into wood.....
.....I used my angle grinder to remove the bad top....it took me two complete grinding wheels to accomplish this.......
The new, clean top....
.....once that was done, I used my bench grinder to reshape, and sharpen the cutting edge. It took me a while, but I was finally able to split some wood with it again....I'm glad I took the time to salvage it.....
.....I spent the better part of the rest of Saturday indoors watching the 3rd round of the Masters. They call Saturday 'moving day' at this tournament, and there was a lot of movement. It should be an interesting final round Sunday!
Thanks for stopping by!
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TLE chair is looking really nice......it's funny you TLE for the lovely Elaine...... My granddaughter's name is TaraLynn but we often call TL ❤️❤️❤️