8:16 am - Thursday - Cinco de Mayo - Likely, CA - 58° F, 34% humidity, wind 14 mph out of the south by southwest......partly cloudy, and windy today with a forecast high of 65° F. On this date in 2018 TLE and I were visiting Niagara Falls.....↴

This hasn't happened to me for a long, long time....maybe 5, or 6 years. I thought I was immune to it. It's the kind of thing which only happens to someone else....I thought....right? I guess this means I'm only human.....where is Clark(e) Kent when you need him.....lol.....? So, what is this mysterious malady which has chosen this quite inopportune time to manifest itself? Some call it 'writers block'....yup....I seem to have writers block. There is no known cure....it just seems to, eventually, run its course. Sometimes if I just start typing whatever comes to my mind the words begin to flow again, but not so much this morning. It's not like we didn't do anything yesterday....we do something everyday. My mind just can't seem to spit it out in a way that I think might be remotely coherent, or interesting, so I will just give you the facts.We lazed around most of the morning having slept in to after 8 am. I sat outside in one of the Adirondack chairs enjoying the sun, the general lack of wind whilst slowly, and appreciatively sipping a second cup of Joe. We finally got our act together just before 11 am when we took a walk out Likely Place Road to the back of the golf course, then followed the perimeter road back around to site #55. In all we covered 1.96 miles in 33+ minutes.....
The obligatory post walk 'usie'
.....around 2 pm TLE and drove the golf cart over to the Club House to pick up my golf shoes, and clubs, and then headed out to hole #10 to play the back 9. It was a perfect afternoon for doing anything outside, and especially a nice day for a few holes of golf. This is the first time I have swung golf clubs on back to back days since we arrived, and I was hoping my back would tolerate it. For the first 4, or 5 holes it did, but then it began to stiffen up a tad affecting my back swing a little. At any rate I did bogey three holes, and had a number of really good drives off the tee....long and straight....one went over 200 yards. My short irons are beginning to come around, and I hit a few short shots that actually did what I intended. On the 16th hole, which is an elevated tee box playing about 127 yards, and an elevation drop of about 100 feet, I hit a 6 iron which actually went over the green by 15 yards....I should have hit a 7, or 8, but I was very pleased with being able to hit a 6 that far. I'm not really keeping score yet, but most of the holes I double, or triple bogeyed. Nonetheless, I am encouraged.....it is only the second round of 9 holes I have played, and I've only hit 3 buckets of balls, so I need to keep that in mind, while focusing on the positives, and there were a lot of positives. It is a long summer, and I just need to play more to begin to get more consistent.
Well, what do you know? The words did finally begin to flow, and I wrote a coherent paragraph....lol! Anyway, we were home by 4:15 pm after I spent time cleaning a few golf balls, and clubs I used during the round (irons....3,4,6,7,8,9, pitching wedge, driver, 5 wood, and 7 wood). TLE served a nice salad for dinner, we read for a while, before watching 'Survivor'. As usual, the twists and turns of Season 42 keep us completely off balance as to what is going to happen....the balance of power keeps shifting.
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Hey some days we just have more to say than others, but somehow you seem to do it. I applaud you that you blog something everyday. I have wanted to do that with my blogging as well, but so many times seems I have nothing to say either that seems of interest so I stick with my blogging of my site seeing adventures...and then I am so behind on that. I keep trying to catch up but seems like a never ending task as other daily life and tasks get in the way that take my time but are not blogging note worthy. I guess eventually my past adventures I will get posted. I wanted to say that you are just getting back into golfing and I know you have concerns about your back, but as you said you have just done a few buckets, its gonna take a bit of time to work into it and build up those muscles you are using in your back. Be patient and kind to yourself.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words! I'll be back at work for the next four days giving my back a chance to calm down.