8:03 am - Real Saturday - June 12th - Seal Rock, OR - 52° F, 100% humidity, wind - zero mph out of the north. Partly cloudy this morning with rain on the way this afternoon, and a forecast high today of 65° F. On this date in 2018 we were in Bar Harbor at Atlantic Brewing having some brews and lunch after riding our bikes on the Carriage Roads in Acadia National Park.......↴

Friday morning TLE and I switched roles.....she was the one up early, and I was the one who slept in until after 8 am. I am a creature of habit, and when something changes in my little universe, unexpectedly, I get a little disoriented, especially as I push deeper into my dotage. I enjoy my alone time first thing in the morning where it is just me, a cup of coffee, and a new blank page for my blog on my computer screen. My stats page tells me today's blog post is the 3,493rd of career as a blogger, and the 162nd this year, and I still look forward to sitting down at the computer each morning to see what spills out of my brain. Since I began blogging back in 2009 my blog has had 1,662,170 page views, and in 2 years, give, or take, I'll hit 2 million...."God willing, and the river don't rise".
Friday is our shopping day....as I have written previously we avoid going into Newport on Saturdays as there is just way too much traffic, and the stores are jammed. Unfortunately, as summer progresses, and the vacationers reach our part of the coast it will be bad 7 days a week. Our first stop was at 101 Dry Cleaners to pick up my suit, shirt and tie which all needed a little TLC after the whirlwind wedding weekend. No masks were worn in that fine establishment. Then it was over to Walmart where they are still wearing masks. We obediently wore ours, but realized after a short time they were not enforcing it. Then it was over to ACE Hardware and Rite Aide where no masks were worn by yours truly. The same for Fred Meyers. Most people are still wearing masks, but the number not wearing them gets larger every week. Pretty soon going maskless will be the new norm.....
Maskless, and still asymptomatic in Fred Meyers
.....the main reason we went to Walmart, ACE and Rite Aide was that TLE was looking for some sand pails in which to put some plants she purchased. Amazingly, we've been looking for sand pales in Coastal Oregon for two weeks, and have found zero until we entered Rite Aide to find a whole aisle of them.....
....once we had the sand pails in hand we picked up some potting soil so TLE can transplant the plants into the pails.
There is a new restaurant in Seal Rock called Luna Sea Fish House, which just opened over the Memorial Day weekend while we were in Spokane for the wedding. The original Luna Sea is in Yachats, OR, about 15 miles south of Seal Rock. The owner of SRRVC had Terry and Michele purchase $50 gift certificates for the employees the other day so we decided to give the new restaurant a try. It is within walking distance, but the skies were threatening rain, so we drove the 1/8th mile in the VW......

......seating is first come, first served for parties under 6, but we were able to get one of the last tables at 5 pm. They've been open around 10-11 days now, and we think they are still 'getting their sea legs' as we were a little disappointed in our food choices. We both had a cup of their Clam Chowder, and it was, frankly, pretty good, but things went downhill from there. For her entrée TLE ordered their Ling Cod Fish 'N Chips, and I their Fish Tacos.....both were disappointing. It is the first time we have been disappointed in a restaurant in the 9+ months we have been here. They do not yet have their liquor license for the new store, so our beverage options were water, soft drinks, or coffee. I ordered a cup of coffee, but it tasted like it had been simmering all day.....you know, thick enough to float a spoon. The ambiance was nice, but the service just fair. We would both be around 2.5 to 3 stars on a 5 star scale. We have not eaten at the Yachats store, and we've heard nothing but glowing reports about the food there, so maybe we'll give the Seal Rock store a little more time to get up to speed, and try them again in a month, or so.Thanks for stopping by!
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