Monday, June 14, 2021

The horizon beckons.....

 7:48 am - Monday - June 14th - Seal Rock, OR - 54° F, 100% humidity, wind 9 mph out of the south by southwest......heavy overcast today with a forecast high of 62° F.  On this date in 2017 we were having dinner with good friend Art Young at the Slippery Otter Pub in West Yellowstone, MT......↴

....the next day we finished our drive to Mammoth Hot Springs, WY (near the north gate of Yellowstone NP) where we worked until late October.  It seems so recent, and yet the calendar says four years have now passed.

The rain which began around 4 pm Saturday continued on through the night, and all through Sunday until around 5 pm.....never hard, but always steady.  Unlike Saturday, we spent most of the day inside the coach occasionally watching the rain slide down the windshield, but mostly just listening to its hypnotic pitter patter on the roof.  All of this rain has caused the grass in sites A-1 to A-3 to explode with new growth, and, no doubt, I will be addressing that situation sometime this week.

Sunday was  a very quiet day in the park as many of our customers left late Friday, and early Saturday in anticipation of the forecast rainfall.  Although it was entirely socked in all day long, we were completely surprised to look out the window around 8:45 pm to see we had been gifted a beautiful Coastal Oregon sunset.......

....and with that our third three day weekend came to a conclusion, and with that we have now been back at Seal Rock for exactly 3 months, and have just three more months to go on our contract before the horizon beckons us to come see what's on the other side once again.

Thanks for stopping by!

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