Sunday, August 18, 2024


5:44 am - Sunday - August 18th - LPG&RVR - 49° F, humidity 68%, wind 5 mph out of the southeast.....sunny today with a forecast high of 82° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were visiting Multnomah Falls near Portland, OR on the Columbia River.....

 After checking the tee times sheet at 7:30 am, which showed the need for at least 17 golf carts Sunday, I initially staged 10, then another 10 around 9 am.  The area in front of the Clubhouse just gets to jammed up with 20 golf carts staged all at once.  Anyway, that works out better as I am usually back at the Clubhouse from my first round of the course by 9 am anyway.  Just as I expected there was one cart left upon my return, and while I was pulling out the next 10 the last of the first 10 was rented....perfect.

As you know, we don't do any mowing, or use any motorized tools on the weekends to give our weekend guests the best possible experience while they are here.  That means my primary responsibility is marshaling on Saturday and Sunday.  While I would prefer not to work at all on the weekends, if one must work marshaling seems like the perfect anecdote.  After all I get to enjoy all of this....

The leaves are beginning to change colors

.....tough duty, right?

I did turn on the tree irrigation, which will run overnight, and I did some hand weeding at the back end of the gravel pull sites (#1-10), and will need to return to finish that on Sunday.  I made approximately 4 rounds of the course as marshal before it was time to give TLE her lunch break. All morning the wind out of the southeast had been freshening, and by early afternoon we were seeing wind gusts in the mid 20's, and steady winds in the high teens, but it never got too bad.

By 3:10 pm all but 3  of the 22 carts we rented had returned, so I headed for home to get a shower, and returned to the Clubhouse for the weekly putting contest.  I had been practicing my putting the last three days after my dismal performances of the past two Saturdays, and it paid dividends.  I got to within one round of the semi final, and even though I lost in the 4th round I was really putting well, putting my ball to within a foot of the hole 90% of the time.  On the 4th hole I rolled the ball about 3 feet past the hole, and was one roll of the ball short of sinking my second putt.  That cost me a tie, and a playoff hole to advance.  Nevertheless, I was really pleased with my putting, and when you lose to a guy who didn't miss one 2nd putt, you can't be too unhappy, right?

By the time I lost TLE was ready to go home, and we did just that.  Only one day to go before our 4 day weekend, and that will be Sunday, and more marshaling.  The winds continued into the evening, but by midnight they were gone.

Thanks for stopping by!

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