Monday, August 5, 2024

Shady business.....

8:07 am - Monday - August 5th - LPG&RVR - 69° F, humidity 32%, wind 3 mph out of the south by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today (the smoke is gone for now) with a forecast high of 94° F.  On this date in 2021 TLE and I were living in Seal Rock, OR where the summer temps never exceeded 70° F....on this particular day we were in the middle of a week long marine layer which kept temps in the high 50's, and low 60's....we think back fondly of those days right now...

 A while back I ordered a second rectangular sun shade to add to the one we attached to the front of the Newell a month, or so ago.  These rectangles are 6' x 10'.  One of them by itself was pretty good, but did not cover the entire front of the coach, and left a lot of the aluminum front cap exposed to direct sun in the afternoon.  The original one was installed with the 10' length running from side to side.....

Original 6' x 10' installation

....we wanted to get a head start on installing the 2nd rectangle before the heat of the day set in so we were outside a little after 8 am doing just that.  It was actually much easier than I thought it would be, and within 2 hours we had the two rectangles installed with the 10' sides in the vertical position.... the entire windshield, and aluminum front cap are shielded from the sun in the afternoon.  We used large, stainless steel safety pins to connect the rectangles to each other along the 10' seam, then added a few extra grommets to attach it properly to the top of the Newell.  It is now completely integrated with the rest of our sunshades on the passenger side of the Newell.

Around 12:30 pm, even though it was getting hot, I decided to head out and play the back 9.  I hadn't played since last Tuesday, when Charles and Phyllis were still here.  I didn't hit any balls before my tee time at 1 pm, and it showed.  My first shot was low, and to the left right near the long lava rock wall which separates the 1st and 10th fairways.  I had no lie, so I tossed the ball out to the fairway, and took out my 7 wood.  My first attempt was a grounder which went about 100 feet, however, my second 7 wood from that next lie was high, and long, and landed on the green about 3 feet from the hole....I was able to one putt for par....WOW!

I bogeyed the par 3 eleventh hole, and after one of my longest drives to date on the 12th hole, then hit a nice 9 iron, but it landed off the green on the left side....I was on in 3 and managed another bogey.  On the par 4 thirteenth hole I hit my longest drive to date, and was on in 2, and two putted for par.  I hit another great drive on the par 5 fifteenth hole, then two long 7 woods to lay pin high in three.  I chipped onto the green, and two putted for another bogey.

Next up was the short, dog leg right 15th hole (par 4), where my drive, although on the left side of the fairway in the rough, was inside the cart signs again, leaving me just 20-30 feet to the hole.  I hit a nice chip, and got my par.  Next was the elevated tee box on the 16th, par 3 hole.  I hit a 6 iron which landed off the green on the right side, then chipped to within 10 feet of the hole, and two putted for bogey.

I didn't hit a very good drive on the 17th, par 5 hole, and messed up two 7 woods in a row, although my 3rd 7 wood did go about 120 yards, albeit about 2 feet off the ground (lol), but hit a nice short iron to the green, and two putted for double bogey.  I love the short, par 4, 18th hole, as I always seem to hit a good tee shot.  My ball landed even with the 50 yard marker, but in the fairway this time.  I was able to chip to within 7 feet of the hole, and two putt for par....

There is my ball in the foreground, and the yellow 50 yard marker in the background

....I always seem to be able to finish strong on the 18th hole, and that leaves me with a good feeling for my next round.  TLE and I headed to the Clubhouse where we ordered two Bloody Mary's, which we enjoyed on the deck over looking the putting green.... the time we put away my clubs, and headed for home it was close to 3 pm, so we played 9 holes, consumed two Bloody Mary's, and were back home in less than two hours.  We were both hot, and extremely glad we had turned on the A/C before we headed out to the course.  The interior temperature in the salon was a few degrees lower than the day before, so the new sun shade arrangement is working as it should!

Thanks for stopping by!

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