Needless to say, but I did not spend any time Wednesday measuring RV sites at least not using the 'stepping it off' method I was using.......I did spend most of the day limping around due to my self inflicted knee strain injury which I wrote about in my blog about Tuesday. There are other options for measuring each site which I am investigating, and will write more about when I return to my job on Saturday.
Beginning with Saturday we will start a 10 day stretch of pretty much working every day as we build up to the 4th of July weekend and its aftermath. We are normally off work Thursday and Friday, but those will be very big arrival days for customers and everybody will be working those days, and each day until the crowds dissipate.
For a change I had no one parking in someone else's site, and no one encroaching on another's site with tents, or other assorted camping gear......everybody 'colored inside the lines' for a change. In fact, things were so easy that I spent a few hours in the afternoon helping Harry rebuild the perimeter dirt path/road that had fallen into disrepair over the last 20 years. Over all I would estimate the road is close to two miles in begins in the back of the overflow area and follows the southern property boundary along the airport property, around to the north end where the Barton Hospital is. I followed Harry through the group sites, and down to the bottom land in the golf cart while he drove the Case front loader clearing the brush. Once we had the basic route laid out I busied myself with clearing the debris off the road in a few places, which necessitated the use of a machete. Of course when you spend time in the bottom land along the Upper Truckee River you run in hoards of mosquitoes, and in spite of spraying copious amounts of repellent on my person the persistent mosquitoes managed to penetrate my defenses on occasions too numerous to count. Fortunately, most of the road was intact and just needed to be scraped smooth once again, but there was about 1/16th of a mile where we had to plow through a thicket of undergrowth which had obliterated the road which, in turn, required a lot of machete work and then hauling away the tangled mess. By the time we arrived back at the maintenance yard we were both filthy
I finished my afternoon site check rounds about 3:45....a longish day for me.....and headed home to take a long, hot shower and await TLE's arrival an hour later. We sat outside enjoying the cool zephyrs for a couple of hours before heading over to Richard and Rhonda's for dinner.....we ate, talked and laughed for 3 hours before we walked back to our coach.....Thursday Richard and I will circumnavigate all 71 miles of the shoreline of Lake Tahoe on our bicycles....if all goes as planned, and Mr. Jello does not rear his head we should begin our journey at 6 am, and be back by 3 pm at the latest......stay tuned!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
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