As I related briefly in my late blog post about Saturday 'things' arose early Saturday morning requiring me to leave just minutes after I awoke. My daughter, Meredith, who still lives at our house needed help packing up the last of her things so she could move out temporarily until the painting and flooring remodel is finished. Apparently I (we) had offered to help her Sunday morning, but I (we) had forgotten we had company coming over around 11 am. At any rate, shortly after pouring my first cup of coffee I was in the car and on my way to Ontario a little after 8 am where I spent a couple of hours helping Meredith clear space in the garage to store/stack her boxes and furniture, and then moving several pieces of furniture downstairs to the garage.
I was back in the VW driving back to Riverside by 10:15......for a few years now Guy and Sue have been following our blog and a week, or so ago Guy contacted me via e-mail asking if they could drive out from Bellflower to visit with us and 'pick our brains' about full time living in an RV. They are retiring in about a year, and want to transition to RV living.....they don't yet own an RV, but are beginning their search. They arrived just after 11 am, and we first gave them the tour of the Newell and trailer, then sat for about an hour talking and answering questions before heading over to the Salted Pig for a late lunch around 1:30 pm where we ate and talked for another 90 minutes.
Around 3 pm we said our 'until next times' and TLE and I headed back to Ontario to help Meredith finish up her packing. While TLE helped with that I helped Nick and Tim finish removing the carpeting, etc. in Meredith's room, all the upstairs doors, and then the 3rd bathroom.....the painters are coming Monday to begin scrapping the 'popcorn' off the ceilings before repainting the entire interior of the house.......right now it is a completely blank slate, and we are looking forward to the finished result.
TLE and I were back home around 5 pm having to turn on the A/C to cool the interior down as the temperature got quite high Sunday.....probably close to 90 degrees with even hotter temps forecast through Wednesday when the weather will change once again getting back into the 60's and 70's.
Sunday turned out to be a much busier day than I had anticipated, but once again another good day.....we spent around 4 hours with Guy and Sue and feel like we have made new friends whom we will meet up with on the road in the future!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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