5:18 am - Wednesday - June 12th - Ramona, CA - 60° F, 86% humidity, wind 3 mph out of the east by northeast.......still dark, but assuming it will be clear, blue skies today. Forecast high is 91° F....a nice drop from Tuesday's 98° F high, but still hot! No view today as it is still dark!
As a heads up I am going to work at 6 am (today included) on days when the temperature is forecast to be over 90° F so I can be finished by 1 pm and avoid the worst of the heat. It was an idea suggested by Rich, my manager, and I gladly accepted his offer as I do not know what I would have done the last two days it was so hot. At any rate, I will not write my blog post about Tuesday until this afternoon as I need to get dressed and be off to work in less than 30 minutes now, and that will be the case on any day I go to work this early....thank you in advance for your understanding!
Have a great morning, and I will see you on the 'flip side'....thanks for stopping by! Check back around 2 pm eastern time for the rest of the story!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Awesome......we will be here!