Thursday, June 27, 2024

Another 18.....

7:37 am - Thursday - June 27th - LPG&RVR - 55° F, humidity 50%, wind 2 mph out of the north....crystal clear, blue sunny skies today with a forecast high of 79° F....will this be the last sub 80° day this summer?  On this date in 2016 TLE and I were spending the day with friends at Incline Beach, NV (Lake Tahoe)......

 I was expecting to play golf with John and Mike around 11:30 am Wednesday, but when I got up I found a text message on my phone indicating we had a 9 am tee time....there goes our 2 mile out and back walk....doh.  I managed to get my act together, and after posting my latest blog post I headed over to the Clubhouse to retrieve my clubs and Callaway golf shoes from my locker.  I managed to reach the 1st tee right at 9 am.

Wednesday was a mixed bag for me as I started slow with a lot of bad shots.  About the only bright spot in my game was I was putting pretty good, but everything else was a shambles.  Finally on the 6th hole (long par 5) I began to put together some good shots.  I drove the ball off the tee about 200 yards down range, then hit a fairway wood just shy of the creek.  My third shot was another good fairway wood coming up around 80 yards short of the green.  Unfortunately I miss hit my first chip, but made up for it on the second one.  I managed to salvage a 7.  On the next hole (7th) I hit a great drive, and a great second shot to within 10 yards of the green, then hit a pretty good chip, and ended up with a 5 by one putting the green.

The 8th (par) and 9th (bogey) holes were similar, and I felt like I was getting into the swing of things again.  I hit a good drive to begin the back 9, but messed up my second shot, and finished with a double bogey.  On the 11th I hit my tee shot in the water, but my retake landed just off the green.  Anyway, because of hitting my first tee shot out of bounds (water) I had a triple bogey.  

Finally, the 12th hole.  I hit a great tee shot, and a good 2nd shot.  I was on the green in 3, and got a bogey.  On the 13th I hit another great drive around the corner on this dog leg left par 4 hole.  I hit my second shot to just off the green, and bogeyed the hole.  On the 14th, long par 5 hole I hit a good tee shot, and a good second shot to clear the creek, then a third shot (7 wood) to within 20 yards of the green.....another bogey.

The 15th of one of my favorite holes.  It is a par 4 severe dog leg right, meaning if you can cut the corner, and end up on the fairway you can cut 100 yards off the hole.  I hit driver over the corner landing in the middle of the fairway less than 50 yards from the hole....

There (above) is the 50 yard marker, and (below) my ball in the fairway

.....another par for me.  I managed a bogey on the par 3, elevated tee 16th hole, but then came the 17th, par 5.  I hit a booming drive, then a 5 wood, then a 7 wood to land my ball, in regulation, on the green about 10 feet from the hole....yup, I got my par!

Click to enlarge good play continued to the 18th hole with another long drive off the tee.  I messed up my first chip, but hit a good second one, and then 2 putted for a bogey.  Don't know why it took me 5 holes to get my act together, but after that I had a lot of fun.  We finished the 18th hole around 12:40 pm, so 18 holes in under 4 hours.  As I write, my back feels a little stiff, but no pain.  I've got two more Wednesdays when I don't work, so I'll continue playing with John and Mike for another two weeks.

A while back I ordered some of the old type spouts for my diesel/gas cans as I hate the new ones.  They are very hard to use, especially if you want to pour fuel into you car, or motorhome fuel tank.  I found these online, and they arrived a few days ago.  The ones that come with gas cans now have a self venting feature, so when you change over to the old style you need to drill a hole in each can, and install a manual vent cap

.....I've converted both of my diesel cans to the old style spouts, along with the manual venting hole (see top picture).  My main reason for this conversion is so I can pour diesel into the Newell tank to top off the tank while we are here at LPG&RVR.  It was virtually impossible with the modern style spouts.  With the old style I can pour 5 gallons into the tank in less than 1/2 the time.....

Out with the new style spouts!

......we had a quiet evening spent mostly reading.  I'm reading the latest Jack Carr book, 'Red Sky Mourning', the 7th book in the Terminal List series.

Thanks for stopping by!

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