Friday, June 7, 2024

When Thursday is really Thursday.....

 6:05 am - Friday - June 7th - LPG&RVR - 53° F, humidity 78%, wind 1 mph out of the northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 90° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were working together building a fence at Tahoe Valley Campground....we would be on our way to Yellowstone NP a few days later......

Ahhh, the third of four work days....Thursday this week....always lot of weed eating to do on the third day, and that is what I spent a lot of time doing.  Weed eating used to be one of my least favorite things to do, and I am still not wild about having to do it, but it is part of the job, right?  I draw pleasure from seeing the results, and how much better the area looks afterwards.  You can mow your little heart out, but if you don't trim around the edges with a weed eater it looks kind of half assed, if you will.

Along with weed eating was more irrigation, and at 10:30 am I took a break to clear the driving range of golf balls in advance of having it mowed by DeWayne.  I only collected about 2.5 gallons of balls, so I just used the 'shag bag', and was done by 11 am....that's the least amount of time I've ever spent clearing the range....nice.  On the down side, the mosquitoes were of an apocalyptic nature both on the driving range, and the golf course.....summer is officially!

I did make my initial round of the course finding the goose/duck leavings rate to be unchanged.  None of the 4 sand traps needed my attention, so I was back at the Clubhouse within 40 minutes.  I staged the 5 Club Car electrics, and that is exactly how many carts were rented.....9 golfers in all, but the park began to fill quickly in the afternoon, and by Friday evening this place will be hopping once again.

In the afternoon I mowed AND trimmed around the putting green, along the left edge of the driving range, and around the 4 tee boxes at hole #10 before parking the ever so slow John Deere riding lawnmower.  On the good news front, Miracle Bob received the new coils for the 2 bag Husqvarna, and was able to bring it back to life, so I'll be using it on Friday to mow the rest of the tee boxes.....thank you Jesus!

I was off work around 3:40 pm, and in the shower washing 8 hours of dust, and grime from my body.  I retired to the recliner for about 45 minutes before heading back over to the Clubhouse to retrieve TLE from her daily office chores....while I waited I practiced putting.  My form is steadily returning, and I am more optimistic than I've been in a while.

We were home by 5:20 pm on our both figurative and real Thursday....thanks for stopping by!

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