Tuesday, June 25, 2024

One more sun screen, please....

9:46 am - Tuesday - June 25th - LPG&RVR - 76° F, humidity 18%, wind 8 mph out of the south.....partially cloudy today with a forecast high of 89° F.  On this date in 2012 I was having a couple of brewskies with my mother, Virginia, in Spokane, WA at McKenzie River Pizza.....

We were out walking our 2 mile out and back walk by 8:30 am, and we should have been on the road much earlier.  We managed a 3.3 mph pace for the course....will have to get out earlier on Tuesday.....getting warmer much earlier now.....

.....after a suitable cool down interlude on the 'lido deck' TLE and I got busy installing a new sun shade we had purchased to cover the front windshield of the Newell.  The afternoon sun hits that windshield for about 5-6 hours in the afternoon, and even with the A/C going it gets uncomfortably warm in the salon....below is the finished product....

....the new sun shade keeps the sun from hitting mostly the right front corner of the windshield, and I can tell you now that it works even better than we expected.  The salon temperature in the afternoon was 5-10° F cooler than before.  We had to add several additional grommets to affix the sunshade to the top of the coach, and it probably took around 2 hours, but we got it done after a few adjustments, and then headed indoors to enjoy the much cooler salon for the afternoon.

Later in the afternoon I spent time in the trailer putting together a shelf for the new wall cabinet we installed a month, or so ago.  There was too much stuff for the space, making it difficult to get at anything.  The shelf can be adjusted width wise, and height wise....it came out better than I expected....

....and that was the extent of my outdoor activity Monday.  The high temperature for the day was 91° F, and TLE and I were grateful we could spend the heat of the day in our much cooler salon.

Around 8 pm we went out to the 'lido deck' to watch the sunset, and enjoy the cool evening breezes....a perfect way to end the first day of our 4 day weekend.....thanks for stopping by!

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