Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Busy bee.....

6:05 am - Wednesday - June 5th - LPG&RVR - 50° F, 74% humidity, wind zero mph out of the north.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 89° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I were having lunch at Taqueria Jalisco in South Lake Tahoe.....

For a Tuesday in early June we were certainly busy.  Based the the tee times sheet I staged 15 carts....the 5 Club Car Electrics, and the TEN Yamahas...yes, for the first time since last summer all 10 Yamaha gassers are back in service!  Miracle Bob was finally able to trace the source of the problem to a bad sensor (which sensor I am not sure).  Once the carts were staged (we ended up renting 18 carts in all Tuesday), I set a few sprinklers to water some dry spots on the various lawns around the park, then headed out to make the 1st of two rounds of the course.

The goose/duck leavings seem to be the same as last week at the #3 tee boxes....hoping they will begin to diminish permanently soon.  None of the 4 sand traps needed my attention, but I did find one flag, #16, had blown down the night before.  I was back at the Clubhouse within 40 minutes.  

Next up was weed eating with one of the Stihl string trimmers.  I worked at that for around 90 minutes, then took care of pouring 4 baskets of washed golf balls, left over from Monday, back into the barrel for future rental, then returned the wire baskets to the ball picker on the driving range.  I returned often to the areas of grass being watered to move the sprinklers over the course of the morning, and soon it was 12 pm, and time to give TLE her lunch break.

By the way, the mosquitos have returned in force with the much warmer days we're having, so it's time to break out the repellant.  We had almost 2 full months of no mosquitos.  After lunch I made my second round of the course as course marshal, and found no issues, so I returned to the Clubhouse, retrieved the large Husqvarna 3 bag riding lawnmower and mowed all three water/electric pull through sites, and then broke out the Stihl string trimmer to trim those sites, plus the employee sites, which hadn't been trimmed this week yet.

By the time I finished with that it was time to begin washing golf carts.  I was able to get 17 of the 18 rented carts washed, and stowed before 3:40 pm (I worked 8 straight hours again), and clocked out for the day, just as the heat of the day was arriving.  By 4 pm I had taken a shower, and was taking a nap in my recliner.  Around 4:50 pm I headed over to the Clubhouse to putt a little before taking TLE home at the end of her shift.

The first work day of a four day shift is always the hardest, and now I've got that one behind me.  This week we're going to see temps in the low 90's beginning Wednesday, so I may start work earlier....we'll see.

Thanks for stopping by!

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