Monday, June 24, 2024

I found the source......

7:32 am - Monday - June 24th - LPG&RVR - 64° F, humidity 32%, wind 5 mph out of the south by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 90° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were overnighting at a campground near Devil's Tower with a great view of same.....

Pictures taken from our site...after all the campground is called Devil's Tower View Campground

I've written about how much I like Sunday' mowing, no string motorized equipment of any kind.  It's a good day to irrigate, so that is how I spent most of my day when I wasn't marshaling around the golf course.  In all we rented 18 golf carts Sunday, which is not too bad considering Sunday was the day after the big tournament, and so many people had already left to return to their workaday lives.

On my initial round of the course I found where all those pesky geese, who litter the #3 tee boxes on a daily basis, are the pond just off the 12th fairway.....

....once again the goose/duck leavings were apocalyptic on Sunday.  After raking the sand traps at holes 4 and 12 I stopped off at my favorite golf ball honey hole between the 16th tee boxes and the 16th hole finding 11 golf balls in about 15 minutes....certainly not a record (current record for me stands at 18 in around 15 minutes), but pretty good, nonetheless.  Most of the balls I find get cleaned, and resold in groups of 10 for $10.  I tend to keep any Callaway balls I find, as that my ball of choice when putting, or playing golf. I have four Callaway woods (driver, 3 wood, 5 wood and 7 wood....they are metal, of course, but they are still called 'woods'), and a Callaway golf glove, and my putter is even made by Callaway.

In all I made around 6 rounds of the course, and found no miscreants on the loose.  Play was moving along at a good pace, and people were keeping their carts on the grass, and out of the bushes.  At 1 pm, after giving TLE her lunch break I turned on the irrigation for the Meadows sites once again....there were only 2 RV's down there, and no tenters, so our intent was to run the irrigation until Monday morning, hoping to get all 10 tent sites flooded, and we were successful.  I just returned from turning off the water flow (Monday morning), and all the tent sites are now flooded.

I was home around 3:50 pm after an 8.5 hour day.  All the grass needing additional water has been irrigated, and there are very few brown spots left.  Sunday was our 'Friday' this week, and now we'll be off work until this coming Friday.....nice.  The temp only got to 91° F Sunday, and as long as there was a breeze, which there was, it never felt too hot.

Thanks for stopping by!

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