Saturday, June 1, 2024

We did all that?

7:13 am - Saturday - June 1st - LPG&RVR  - 53° F, humidity 48%, wind 1 mph out of the northwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 79° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were boondocking outside of Driggs, ID on the banks of the Teton River, with a view of the Grand Tetons......boondocking does not get much better than this.....

It is my belief that Friday, May 31st, will go down in the annals of our nomadic historical record as one of our most productive days ever.  The day began slowly with me spending more time than usual writing my latest missive, but once that was done did we ever get busy.

We began the outside portion of our day with another 2 mile out and back walk averaging 3.4 mph....our fastest average in some time....burning some 350 caloric units....

......within a few minutes of finishing our walk we were in the VW headed into Alturas for our weekly shopping spree.  We visited ACE Hardware, Rite Aid, Holiday Market, and the Desert Rose Casino fuel station, not necessarily in that order,  before heading for home around 12:30 pm.

We stopped off in Likely at the Cuatro Palomas Taqueria truck (sorry I didn't realize how much glare there was on the sign) to pickup 4 carne asada street tacos for $12.....

....and were home a little after 1 pm.  We both changed clothes in preparation for the big project of the day.....set up our NEW Ozark Trail dining canopy, and the new addition to our dining/gaming Ozark Trail tent which attaches to the frame of the dining canopy to provide us with a mosquito/bug free environment.

First we removed the picnic table, and artificial turf from the 'deck' area, then I used one of the Stihl weed trimmers to trim back the growth about 5 feet along the entire site......

Much, much better

.....before we began to set up the new canopy.  Beginning to end it took us about 3 hours to get everything situated to our mutual satisfaction, and frankly it turned out way better than either of us had envisioned.....

The finished product

The mosquito's view of our bug free environment

We moved the Sea-B-Que around the corner so it is in the afternoon shade cast by the dining canopy now

The picnic table fits inside with ease

The ceiling is entirely covered in screening material so the hot air will escape

....there are three screened windows, plus the entry way, which is also screened.  By the time we finished it was well after 4 pm, so we decided to inaugurate our new 'dining/gaming deck' with a few friendly matches of Backgammon....TLE cleaned my clock this night, but a good time was had by all.....

There were José Cuervo Cadillac Margaritas, which may have clouded my

.....we ordered the Ozark Trails tent insert way back when we first arrived at LPG&RVR in April, but just had not set it up yet.....why did we wait so long?  Anyway, now site #55 is complete and ready to be fully utilized the rest of the summer.....

....we played Backgammon until well after 7 pm, at which time I took a shower, and then we drove Club Car Villager #20 up the hill to watch the sun slide past the mountains which border the Pitt River Valley on the western side.  TLE prepared popcorn paired with a nice Zinfandel.....I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.....

.....the larger than life views were stunning on this evening, and the lighting was otherworldly. It was the perfect ending to a very busy, productive day.  That we can live in a place like this with million dollar views for FREE makes our hearts happy.  We are truly blessed!

Thanks for stopping by!

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