Saturday, June 29, 2024

Busy time.....

 5:51 am - Saturday - June 29th - LPG&RVR - 52° F, humidity 68%, wind 1 mph out of the east by northeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 86° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were on our way to Alberta, Canada with good friends, who are also Newell owners.....

Left to right: Cindy, Forest, Tom, Darlene, TLE

The Newells - 1982, 1999, 2002 - left to right

Ahhhh....back to work.  Thankfully our four day work week this week will have temps in the mid to low 80's.....our four day weekend, however, will see temps in the 90's.  When I reported to work I had 6 carts not yet washed....there, apparently, were a lot of late golfers out Thursday afternoon.  In all we rented out 22 golf carts Friday with 10 going out rather late in the day.  Those final 10 did not return before I went home at 3:30 pm, so I'll have them with which to deal Saturday morning.

The temp Friday got to 84° F, but it did not feel quite that warm.  Most of the mowing had been done in the last four days, but there was a lot of weed trimming remaining in the areas mowed, so after making my first round of the course removing goose/duck leavings (still more than expected), and raking all four sand traps I retrieved a Stihl string trimmer around 10 am, and got to work down in the 10 Meadows sites, then all five of the employee sites.  Within an hour I had all 15 sites looking finished.  It was around 11 am, so I put on my marshaling hat and took a long run around the course before it was time to give TLE her lunch break.

I found one group playing pretty slow.  By slow, I mean it was taking them about 30 minutes per hole, and they were playing 18.  At that rate it would take them 9 hours to  I encouraged them to speed up their play, and let any golfers catching up to them 'play through', then went on  my way.  There were a few other golfers driving their carts into the brush, which is a 'No No' here, so I reminded them about keeping their carts on the green stuff (grass).  Other than that everything was going fine on the course.

By the time I returned 45 minutes later there were a couple of carts in the 'CART RETURN' area, so I washed them, and then headed inside to give TLE her lunch break.  There were a number of people arriving between 12 pm and 1 pm to check into their reserved RV sites, so I took care of them.  This is the beginning of the 4 of July week, and we will be very busy for the next 7-10 days, then things will calm down.

I was off by 3:30 pm, as the heat of the day arrived.  By 3:50 pm I had taken a hot shower, and was relaxing in my recliner, enjoying the cool confines of the air conditioned Newell.  TLE was home around 5:20 pm, and that was another day in the life for us.

Thanks for stopping by!

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