Wednesday, June 19, 2024


8:58 am - Wednesday - June 19th - LPG&RVR - 62° F, humidity 21%, wind 1 mph out of the northeast....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 81° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I summited the 9,735' Mt. Tallac at South Lake Tahoe, CA.....

It was another cold morning Tuesday, and we didn't get out to do our 2 mile out and back walk until after 10 am.  We're getting consistent in our average speed hitting 3.3 mph once again....

....I originally had a haircut appointment for Wednesday at 9:30 am, however, I wanted to change it to Tuesday afternoon if possible, so I called Sheila at Kaleidescope to see what she could do.   She had a cancellation just before I called for her 1:30 pm slot, so I gladly took that.  We were in the VW just before 1 pm driving into Alturas.  We got to town around 1:10 pm, so went to do our Rite Aid shopping first, which didn't take long.  We returned to Kaleidescope at exactly 1:30 pm, and 20 minutes later I had paid, and we were out the door on our way to Holiday Market for our weekly shopping.  Amazingly, we were home just before 2:30 pm!

I wanted to finish resurrecting Kathy's bike, so I changed clothes and headed out to the trailer to do just that.  When I left off I needed to remove the wheel axles, clean the races, and repack the wheel bearings with is what they looked like before.....

.....pretty crusty, right?  It took me the better part of an hour, but in the end they looked almost brand new when I finished.....

....all that remained was to reinstall the wheels on the bicycle, then the chain, which went pretty quickly.  It was the adjustment of the brakes that took most of the time, and that took another hour, or so, but I finally go them working properly.  In all I spent around 5 hours on this bike, and enjoyed every minute of it.  The gears shift smoothly, and the brakes stop on a figurative don't really want to stop that fast, or you might go over the!.... the time I finished it was almost 5 pm, so I took a shower, then turned on the Sea-B-Que in preparation for the grilling of a New York steak we bought at COSTCO a long time ago.  We ate on the 'dining/gaming deck', and then played 6 games of Yahtzee.....

....I emerged the victor winning four of six games in this game which is based on 100%  By the time we headed indoors for the evening it was after 8 pm.  What a nice day!

Thanks for stopping by!

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