Thursday, June 13, 2024

Power play.....

 5:58 am - Thursday - June 13th - LPG&RVR - 50° F, humidity 58%, wind 1 mph out of the east.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 89° F.  On this date in 2016 TLE and I were enjoying coffee at Moonhouse BrewHouse in South Lake Tahoe.....

Wednesday was forecast to be the hottest day this week at 91° F, and there was a lot to do at LPG&RVR.  I staged 10 carts to begin the day, and we ultimately rented 16....not bad for a Wednesday.  After making my first round of the course where the goose/duck leavings were very sparce (fingers crossed the geese are migrating north now), and raking two of the four sand traps I turned on the irrigation for the Meadows sites hoping to get the water all the way through the first 3 tent sites this time.

Around 9 am we had a scheduled power outage for this part of Modoc County.  We had received an email from the power company on Tuesday advising the power would be out from 9 am to 1 pm, so once it went off I could not do any other irrigation as there would be no electric pump to pressurize the large water tank for LPG&RVR.  The meadows sites are irrigated directly out of one of the ponds, so that went on without interruption.

With nothing better to do for four hours I mounted the 3 bag Husqvarna and began mowing grass....the parking lot grass, the group area, all 4 employee sites, and 6 of the full hookup pull through sites.  Since there was no power in the office TLE and I decided her lunch break would be from 1 pm to 2 pm, so after I had finished with the mowing I dumped the grass clippings in the pasture, and then put on my marshaling hat for an hour.

The power came back on at 12:55 pm....thank you power company for being punctual, and keeping your word!  As a result of the phones being down for four hours the phone rang a lot during the time TLE was gone to lunch.  Between the phone ringing off the hook, and customers buying golf paraphernalia, or paying for a round of golf I was busy for the entire 60 minutes.

Once I was back to work at 2 pm I only had 90 minutes left in my work day.  I began washing golf carts, and running down to check on the Meadows sites to see how the irrigation was coming along. It was doing well, but I had to leave it running until 7:30 pm to get the water all the way through the three tent site areas, which are adjacent to the 10 Meadows sites.

By 3:40 pm I had washed and stowed 10 golf carts leaving me with 6 to wash Thursday morning.  I returned a little after 5 pm to pick up TLE and ferry her home for the evening.  The heat didn't really bother me Wednesday, and that is encouraging.  It will begin to cool for the next 10 days before getting back into the 90's later this month.

Thanks for stopping by!

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