Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Better than expected.....

 6:05 am - Wednesday - June 12th - LPG&RVR - 48° F, humidity 58%, wind zero mph out of the northeast.......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 91° F.  On this date in 2018 TLE and I rode our bicycles for 6 miles on the Carriage Roads in Acadia NP, then headed to Atlantic Brewing for some brews.....

The temps began to warm again on Tuesday, and they will be in the high 80's and low 90's through Friday, then cool down once again.  We were out walking around 9 am Tuesday completing our 2 mile out and back walk in around 36 minutes......

.....I haven't played golf in a while, but my lower back is feeling the best it has felt since my fall back in early April, so after our walk I stretched my back, got dressed, and headed over to the Clubhouse to get a tee time, and play at least 9 holes.  The course was not too crowded so we began on the 10th hole.  The first couple of holes were a little chaotic, but by the 3rd hole I was hitting the ball pretty well.  on the 12th hole I hit the best drive I've hit on that hole ever leaving just 60 yards to the green.  I then hit a beautiful pitching wedge to the green, but 3 putted....doh!  

Again, on the 13th hole I hit another great drive, and another great pitching wedge from 90 yards to the green, but 3 putted again.  Usually my putting is much better than that.  Next ame the 14th hole, a long par 5.  I hit another good drive, and was across the creek with a 5 wood on my second shot.  I kind of messed up my third shot, but put my fourth on the green with another great pitching wedge shot.  I managed my first 2 putt for bogey. 

On the 15th hole, sharp dog leg right, I hit my usual 4 iron, cutting across the dog leg, to about 90 yards from the hole.  I hit another great pitching wedge into the green, and 2 putted for par.  Next up is my favorite hole on the back 9....the elevated 16th tee box.  I hit a nice, high 7 iron which landed just off the green on the left side, then pitched onto the green, and 2 putted for bogey.  I hit another good drive on the 15th, par 5, then a 5 wood to within 100 yards of the hole.  I hit another amazing pitching wedge, but 3 putted for bogey.

Finally, the 18th hole....a short par 4.  I hit a beautiful, high drive leaving a 75 yard shot into the green, which I executed once again with my faithful pitching wedge, then 2 putted for par.  My back was still feeling good, so we headed directly to the 10th tee box again, where I hit my best drive on that hole in sometime.  I hit another good 5 wood to within 50 yards of the hole, then pitched on, and 2 putted for bogey.

After that hole comes the par 3.  I hit a 7 iron which landed softly on the green, and rolled to within 7 feet of the hole.  I just missed my birdie, but got my par.  By that time my back was beginning to get a little sore, so we called it quits and headed for the Clubhouse.   Nice to end with good results on the last 5 holes.  Frankly, I'm a little surprised I played as well as I did considering I've only played 20 holes this year, but I'm encouraged by my back, and my game, nonetheless!

After all that activity it was time for a nap.....thanks for stopping by!

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