Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day Eve.......

7:48 am - Sunday - June 16th - LPG&RVR - 44° F, humidity 40%, wind 1 mph out of the north....crystal clear, blue sunny skies today with a forecast high of 73° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were riding our Terratrike Tadpole Recumbents on the Fish Lake Bike Path near Spokane, WA.....

 Father's Day Eve (Saturday) was  an above average busy day at LPG&RVR.  In all we rented 30 golf carts, and I spent the entire day Marshaling around the course.  It was a bitterly cold June 15th, and for the first time in weeks I wore my winter jacket again, along with gloves, and a watch cap.  I didn't take the jacket off until around 2 pm, and then only for an hour.  Based on how many people I saw on the driving range there will be a ton of balls to clear come Monday, a day which will not see me working.  Our next work cycle is Thursday through Sunday.

In all I think I made 7, or 8 rounds of the course.  Had to encourage a couple of foursomes to speed up their play, or allow the faster groups behind them to 'play through'.  Others had to be reminded to keep the carts out of the brush, and on the grass.  Generally, however, everyone behaved themselves, and I was able to spend time talking with our customers.  There were no motorized tools being employed by me on this day.....a kind of idyllic Saturday for me.

In the first round of the weekly putting contest I was ahead by 1 point with one hole to play when my worthy opponent sank his putt to tie me after 5.  We went to a one hole, one putt playoff, and he ended up closer to the hole than I.....doh.  Almost got out of the first round.

Since I was out in the first round I returned to washing and putting away more carts, and ended at 5 pm with just 3 carts sill outstanding.  By 5:30 pm TLE and I were on our way home to begin our four day weekend.  The weather will continue to be very cool through Wednesday, and then begin to warm Thursday, getting into the 90's over the weekend.

As many of you must know, this is the weekend of the U.S. Open.  I haven't been able to watch much of it as I've been working for the first three rounds, but we will be off work Sunday, and be able to watch the entire 4th round.  Out of the entire field there are only 7, or 8 guys under par beginning the 4th round....a typical U.S. Open.

Thanks for stopping by!

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